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Posts posted by Kosmo

  1. sounds like a plan! did u guys eat while here? glad the girls had a good time!

    nah....did not stop...tomorrow work n school day....just stopped at new philly mcd drive through....got home by 8.30.......

    yep the girls had a great time......I was so amazed by the precision engineering.....if you love machines and kinda mechanically oriented you gotta visit this place.......

    ......major props to kid for letting us know this....last thing here is the list of animals we saw...and the little girl gone crazy....

    a horse in a house yard county road 6

    a cat at the railroad

    a solitary donkey at the top of the hill across the railroad (county rd #6)

    lots of sheep in two herds after the airport rd....on 36

    two goats on 751

    lots of lama (not alpaca) in a farm on 751

    lots of cows on 751

    what else do I need to entertain my kid who is thrilled by every possible animal, including skunks and racoons......:rolleyes:

  2. this is my story.......started watching browns......shit......I can't watch it anymore.....let's get out....where ??? Let's go see this place...we started at 2.20 PM no plans what so ever. When we hit 36, I tried to call/text you and Adam, I do not have any service available......shit.....well we enjoyed the place.....it's really awesome.......while coming back again I tried with my phone.....same thing. As I knew Adam's house, I just stopped by and wrote a note at his door. Just to let you know guys, did not forget you just some last minute misplan messed it up.

    No worries sometimes next month we will visit another family friend in West Lafayette and we will hang out for sure......promise...

    Disha and Suparna loved the fall colors and Coshocton and while coming back, I showed them the 751 twisty driving, I took the civic...so better than the van.....but....nahhhh..no fun in the cage......but the pavement was so clean......

    see you folks next time !!!!

  3. Yes Kosmo, that's all true. But it appears to me that viruses do not randomly just die out all that often. They do seem to mutate and survive.

    Virology isn't my chosen field, so I believe you.

    edit: Oh, and just to make people worry more.

    Antibiotics work great unless:

    1. You can't get the antibiotics quick enough.

    2. They run out of antibiotics.

    3. The bacteria becomes resistant.

    Totally agree Tom........just a short note how the virus mutation works.....say for our H1N1....

    The piglet had a flu, the virus replicates in the pig cells (mainly lung epithelial cells) and it's faulty genome synthesizing machinery is causing billions of mutations in that pigs cell. So, that single pig has billions of the same virus but yhey are of different in genetic makeup. Some will not even replicate and die out, others will. Now the pig sneezes drops saliva on so many different surfaces in the barn....fine. The viruses on this surfaces are apparently dead and just a piece of complex glycoprotein. After two years Christopher Robin touches one of this surface which had the billions of virusus in a dust particle.....then scratches his nose. They get into the mucosal membrane of the nose by mechanical transmission. They float around and find a cell....this is where it jumps back to life, it fuses with the cell and start replicating. This is for the first time a strain of pig flu virus, which was mutated long back and dormant, infected a human. This is the first and only H1N1 out of those billions of dormant viruses which due to mutations got the ability to jump from pig to infect humans. The rest of the viruses were also transmitted by the kid but they will just simply not replicate in humans due to their different genetic makeup except the H1N1.


    Just as a last note. Bacteria are million times larger than viruses and they are alive outside a living cell as well unlike viruses. Antibiotic resistant strains develops as well the same way due to random mutations and natural selection of the survival of the fittest. Now with 4th and 5th generation antibiotics it will not be hard to outsmart them..but overconfidence is not a goodthing........:D

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