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Posts posted by sciongirl

  1. You can place a bonus building on a road with a hazard and then collect rent, even if the hazard still exists. The bonus building overrides the hazard; however, if someone demolishes the bonus then the hazard still exists and you won't be able to collect rent at that point.


    I place a bonus on a street with a hazard if I get a bonus, then hope for a demolish to get rid of the hazard just in case.


    gotcha.. ok so i need either a bonus or a demolish card to get the rent from it.


    cool.. thanks

  2. i hear a bunch of crying in this thread from those that cant take a loss from a team thats struggled. so fucking what. so what do they do? call out ALL of the ohio fans from every sport? wtf... you have bandwagon fans EVERYWHERE. esp the steelers. when you are on top, everyone wants to be on your team..


    im a die-hard Buckeye fan and i admit im not into the NFL as much at all but the Bengals have always been my team.


    now hockey.. you want to know a true fan? im a fucking Leafs fan. forever. win or lose. they havent won the cup in 60 years and now have names like Toronto Make Beliefs, Toronto Laughs.. etc. and come Dec 3, i'll be at the CBJ vs TOR game with my Belfour jersey cheering loud and proud.


    so yea.. stop your bitching. it was a good game.

  3. to sell your house:

    click on your road...you should see little plus signs below all of your buildings. click on that to get info about that property...it will tell you how much you paid for it and how much it gives you in rent. at the bottom of that card, it should say something about selling the building. click on that once and then it will ask you if you are sure about selling it, just click on it again to confirm the sale. you will only get half the amount back that you paid for it, though.


    thanks a bunch!!

  4. 1. you can't get rid of the hazard until you get a bulldoze card. i'm not sure if you can sell the road with a hazard on there....


    2. a good strategy to protect your roads is to fill up every bit of land with a building...doesn't matter what size. i usually put up all the big buildings i want and then i fill in all the spaces with whatever buildings will fit. that way there is no room to place a hazard. someone would have to get a bulldoze card first, bulldoze a house, and then get a hazard card and hope that that hazard fits in the spot that they created....most likely not going to happen like that. the cards don't come all that frequently...


    3. if you end up filling up your roads with buildings and then receive a bonus building card, you just go back and sell some houses to make room for that bonus building



    does that answer your questions?


    yea it does help..


    how do you sell houses once you put them on a road?


    sooo... i have a road that i dont get rent for. i just keep it? or wait for a bulldoze card and clear off his hazard? there is enough room for a bonus if i got his hazard off...

  5. so someone just put a hazard on my rd, what can i do? what happens? since i dont get rent, do i sell the rd? when i tried to put a hazard on one of HIS unprotected roads, it said there wasnt room for it... wtf... so if i just fill up a road without it protected by a bonus building, no one can put a hazard on it?


    im still new to this and dont quite get it .. help a sistah out.

  6. There is a Social Security office in Whitehall, my wife went there to change her name. I beleive its a fairly straight forward process, just take ID and birth certificate.


    yep i just went to this office few weeks ago. but we had ID... maybe a utility bill or something like that? bank statements? i dunno...


    but this place was pretty fast and it took a couple weeks to get in the mail.


    good luck



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