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Posts posted by sciongirl

  1. I got this program on my blackberry that I talk and it auto types it into my text message. Now most of the time it doesn't type out the right words but I send it anyway for fun.


    Ever get a text message like this from someone?


    I just got run off the fucking road today by some stupid little cunt in a Cavalier with her goddamn phone glued to her fucking face.


    Blackberry types out "I did call on fire this is soo low cut that how are you guys have a good are of updates"


    lol what is the program called?

  2. same goes for drivers talking hands free...they aren't driving, they are engaging in conversation and picturing another world. I see it all the time. Hands free doesn't do squat. I know...I'm guilty of talking on the phone, most ever time I'm in the car. It's an effort to concentrate. I do it, but then I'm the guy cruising at 65mph in the middle lane with everyone zipping around me while I talk. I wear my headset but still have to look up the numbers to dial the phone.


    I'm not saying texting is right...but there are a million other things besides driving that people....and truckers do that take their eyes and minds off the road.


    yea ...this.

  3. im also not saying im against any "legal" liability to getting in an accident due to whatever.. but how are they going to know you are texting/talking on the phone/changing the radio or just looking away to check out some hot boi?
  4. i also tend to text while driving.. if its needed. and by that i mean, if i need to get my message across before i reach my destination. of course, i wear my selt belt. always, no matter if im going 10mph.


    but like most people that text/drive or talk on the phone/drive... if you cant multitask, this will be more difficult. what about changing the radio/driving or messing with the air vents/driving. an accident takes 1 sec, whats it matter what you did while you werent looking?

  5. well well well.. another scion. i dont really like the Xd's myself but were in the same family so welcome... and as far as scion meets, there is a group called ohioscions. i dont wanna talk negatively about them but i got harassed pretty badly over there, more so than here if you can believe that. it s a tight group but maybe you'll like it.


    + rep for having the balls to join CR with a scion tho

  6. I say let her in!!!! Then one night when she is really drunk we can convince her that it would be a good idea to play with her webcam and then send her high frequency subliminal messages suggesting that the last place her clothes need to be is on her body.


    This plan may be far fetched, perverted, and a little on the mental side, but then again it just might work ;-)


    where have YOU been!? i havent seen you around lately, or on 33 in the mornings :)

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