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Everything posted by sciongirl

  1. i dont normally follow this show but i happened to record it so ill have to watch it. i knew they were falling apart due to all the attention on who cheated on who or whatever. that really sucks though, their kids are so cute!
  2. ive been outta the car scene for awhile... just can't afford it anymore. but i've met some pretty neat-o people here and it's a good way to get out and have fun.
  3. the pool might lure me in....but.. i.. must... resist.....
  4. k well apparently taking the battery out does nothing. fuck me silly.
  5. mine has done that before.. i just take the battery out for a while and then try it again, it's worked. sorry im not much help
  6. i wanted a band-aid tattoo once.... once... ah fuck it, every tattoo is a story, but is it for the reader or for the author?
  7. sciongirl


    they were gonna kill the puppies?
  8. good luck... and i hope you do well!!
  9. lol @ the pool sharks in this thread....................
  10. i see what you did there... i agree with greg, im already poor and happy, lets switch it up and go rich and sad.
  11. damn that really sucks, i'm sorry to hear that. i'd be lost without woody
  12. you have a gambling problem... if its a regular texas hold em' no weird shit... i might try to join yous.
  13. happy birthday, Anthony!!!!!!!!!
  14. .. once i was walking to my car coming out of blockbuster and this guy, seemed well spoken and dressed decently, comes up to me and gives me this story on how he needs $10 for a burger and how he served in the military and showed me his military ID and his wife left him and all this stuff... and i'm like.. no sorry i don't have anything to give and then he FLIPPED on me... called me a racist and a cunt and grabbed my car door!!!! luckily there was a guy pulling up and he came over and scared the guy away... fuck that scared me... so no, i dont make it a habit to talk to people i see on the street.
  15. alright thanks! i currently use newzleech and newzbin.
  16. i heard that too... that really sucks.. i hope whoever did that gets caught in a dark alley with some not-so-nice men.
  17. is this the same guy that would hang out around the arbys on main st? tall.. kinda skinny dude?
  18. i dont use limewire anymore but i miss it... there is always something i cant find through newsgroups.... hate it.
  19. since i was home yesterday and watching ESPN, i was pretty pissed to see it ALL FUCKING DAY LONG! wtf... this is putting such a black eye on baseball, and frankly i dont even care about it anymore. im so over this steriod shit... let them all play on roids for fucks sake.
  20. i failed to see the pick up... but maybe i get them so often they go right over my head.
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