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Everything posted by sciongirl

  1. congrats! how hard was it??
  2. i cant wait for the season... im excited to see how we've matured from last season!! one thing i noticed when i went down to UGA for a game was they dress up for home games. like... DRESS up in suits and dresses. it was kinda neat. ive never seen that at the horseshoe
  3. awesome car... cant wait to see it.
  4. average joes is awesome, love that place.
  5. i have mixed feelings about this thread happy early birthday
  6. wow im really sorry to hear that but im glad you are learning from it. and posting it here is a great idea, to put the message out there to just be careful and smarter. atleast, you got your message across to me. thank you!
  7. yeah and i dont think he'd really care if he got dunked on. he is a "fun" player and also pokes fun of himself so not sure why....
  8. i live around there but im sure they wont be seen on gender again. that really sucks, ill keep an eye out.
  9. i know very little about the military and know even less people involved in it.. so i have no idea what you'd expect but ive always thought it would be something i would do. good luck and stay safe!!
  10. thats awesome, anthony! have a great time!!!
  11. i drove over it on brice rd at 6:30 and everything was soooo backed up. thats crazy though....
  12. and.. are these your components? http://onlinecarstereo.com/CarAudio/ProductDetail.aspx?ProductID=11421
  13. i have a 12" W6V2... and im really in need for new components. are these new or are they current in your car? how long have you used them?
  14. i dont wanna pay for an instructor, im a cheap ass... but i love my new guitar
  15. Grove City's fireworks were actually REALLY good! and at Beulah Park, people were letting off their own fireworks after... which were really amazing...
  16. im sorry to hear that... but it looks like he lived a long and productive life! thats amazing to be able to experience all of that.
  17. that happened to me once in Gahanna. i was only going 25-30mph and heard this thing hit my windshield. naturally i stopped too, but never found anyone outside. i did let a neighbor know incase they saw. that sucks though
  18. alright.. i'll look into astraweb. btw.. i believe i used your screen shots from before to get all setup with giganews, can you PM me with what i'd need to do to switch?
  19. i use newsgroups but im really confused about it. i pay giganews...then i use newzleech and newzbin (which i also pay for!?) and sometimes, i cant ever find what im looking for. am i doing something wrong or is this what im supposed to be doing?
  20. that is sad... but sorta impressive. 4-5 stab wounds... by yourself?
  21. holy crap... so i take it the jay leno thing is a bust?
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