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Everything posted by sciongirl

  1. sciongirl

    New Girl

    haha scott.... anyway im late but welcome. ill help you beat some of these gays up anytime
  2. lol 72 attempts? yea sounds like either of them enjoyed that...
  3. sciongirl

    I miss Kenny

    i think about him everyday.
  4. i saw the commercial for this... i want it.
  5. my godmother works at Indian Creek Vet. http://www.indiancreekvethosp.com/
  6. only two pages..? i was hoping there would be more.. bcoz you like ironic tshirts.. skinny bitch
  7. are there bracelets left? i still need two of them...
  8. i miss you.. fucker
  9. if anyone i know makes it over there, could you pick up one for me? let me know
  10. ive gotten to level 20 on the original.. we'll see how i do on the new one. ill look for you next time i'm on
  11. my gaming has taken a backseat recently. i did download the new maps for WaW though but havent had a chance to do much. i played the zombies on their new map. holy lost and creeped out. whats with the scary noises and voices
  12. i was the quiet one next to scott. i left shortly after you i think
  13. he told me about the pony story..lol and seeing her considered about his pony is pretty damn funny. i cant be on here today, its more difficult than i thought. im going to try to make it to the viewing on friday, thanks howard.
  14. it hasnt hit me yet...it really hasnt. ill be at chipotle tomorrow for lunch... we met up there a few times
  15. id like 2 white ones, thanks
  16. sorry, i did that before i read this.
  17. oh man haha... they want blood money? i wonder what happens..
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