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Everything posted by sciongirl

  1. yep.. we used to listen to him really early in the morning on the way to school.... RIP
  2. wtf... is that!? that isnt dancing! it doesnt even look appealing.... i do however, like the beat but think they bombed horribly on the "lyrics"
  3. i dont know that i care either way but i dont think just because it becomes legal, everyone will be doing it.... ah whatever... i still have my alcohol that i can get effed up on.
  4. no she is hot im just saying....... she's got strange looking thumbs. makes for a neat little conversation piece i suppose.
  5. sciongirl

    Fat Tuesday!

    hope no one saw me... :ninja:
  6. never heard of yaz.... sounds fun!
  7. isn't she the one with messed up thumbs or something??
  8. there is truth to this as well....
  9. God doesn't like liars...
  10. lol thats funny... umm... i dunno what to really say. sometimes people are annoyed at EVERYTHING and EVERYONE. guys do it daily, i dont see an issue with this. let her go and do her own thing. if she really wants you, she'll come back when she needs you. but dont call her every 2 secs asking if shes ok. that wont make it better. good luck
  11. i agree.. i love this thing so much, i wish i could get a iPhone
  12. sciongirl

    Chris Brown

    i heard this morning even tho she spent her 21st birthday without Chris, that they have been talking everyday and it appears shes going back to him? been there, done that. never again.
  13. congrats and good luck with the baby!!
  14. two-way alarm... so you can introduce your shotgun to their face
  15. its my new profile picture, everywhere.
  16. i love the internetz.. i can be hot here
  17. that sounds like an awesome vacation... i'd love to go to new zealand or australia someday.... someday
  18. sciongirl


    i had some in NC and i didnt think it built up to the hype, but i dunno what i'm talking about normally. maybe i needed more than one?
  19. lol that guys eyes are freaking me out....
  20. sciongirl

    Chris Brown

    where is a link stating she gave him herpes???
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