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Posts posted by sciongirl

  1. i like red wines... Lindemans is fairly cheap and its an Australian. I just bought a Cali merlot but i forget the brand....


    Andersons has good stuff. Also two-buck chuck at Trader Joes.

  2. Di, is the lunch and skate at easton like a dropin or just skating around in circles? i always hit up dublin dropin at 1130am, every now and then if i want to really challenge myself I'll go to the early dropin at the ice haus friday mornings. Sean usually goes to that one if im not mistaken


    They used to have open skate on one side, and dropin on the other side, started at noon i believe.

  3. It's really a matter of personal preference. I like the firs- you'll probably see douglas and frasier. Just feel the needles when you look, but the scotch pines are prickly and the white pines are softer if I remember right.


    Have you ever done this before?


    we had real trees growing up but since on my own, no never....


    i had a stand thats for something no bigger than 7.5ft tall and 5 inch base. i dont want a huge one... but i know i need to water it but id like one where the pines thingies dont fall off so much lol is that a type?

  4. I'm looking for a Christmas tree this year in hopes that it will get me outta this funk I've been in. I need to stay positive and cheery, completely unlike me.


    So I want a real tree, but havent seen any lots. Besides Home Depot or a store, anyone know of lots on the southeast/east side?

  5. di i didnt know you played too? i thought you were just a crazy toronto fan?


    i used to play a lot more, now i barely have time to get out and skate but yeah... i dont just fuck the hockey players, i AM one :)

  6. What should I do?

    Should I shit in this thread because people need to get over it?

    What should I do?

    Should I turn on some football instead?

    What should I do?

    Should I stop this joke as it's becoming overplayed?

    What should I do?




    And Akron does hate him, and it is just another city between Columbus and Cleveland. He's too fly for himself now. He's the Jersey Shore of the NBA in my eyes. He's getting his attention he wants.


    Not doubting his skill, still one of the best players ever.

  7. All good points.

    Aside from pulling the rest of my hair follicles out worrying about that crap I just get pissed off that gas prices go up and down 30+ cents per G DAMN DAY.


    hair follicles? ... :)


    i'd have to say... MY pressing issue is doing what i can to stay happy with life. whatever that is, whatever path that takes me down. but it's a personal goal and not really anyone else can help but people can certainly hurt my chances.


    and the economy.

  8. i would love a battery back up for mine. when i first moved in, the damn thing would just turn on and stay on for days. i called up management and made them replace it since it was nearly dead anyway. but it does have me freaked out, if the power were to go out.... and its raining... my doggie would die
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