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Posts posted by sciongirl

  1. lol..


    I just put the key in and turned it on, like I have everytime... If it sits for a few days, I will put the key half way and give it some gas before I start it.... but I had just been driving it.



    When it started up like that... no check engine light stayed on, will it still have a code?

  2. Haven't had any problems with it but within the last few weeks, I've been driving it for longer trips. The other day I drove for about an hour and stopped for food... got back to the Jeep, started it up and it sounded horrible, the whole thing was shaking and sounded like the it was idling too low so I tried to give it gas and nothing happened when I tried to rev it up. Didn't register it at all. So I turned it off and back on, did the same thing... when I'd rev'd it up, the odom wouldnt even move. Turned it off and gave it a second, then it worked fine! I drove it home like nothing had happened.


    Anyone know what this sounds like?

  3. This.


    I catch myself lying about little things to avoid conflict and to also get in the pants o women :)


    i knew this was your plan..... :gtfo:


    i lie to avoid conflict. but i see lots of lies that are merely for attention and it makes me sick when they get away with it, only because i'm not normally around to see the lie discovered.

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