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Everything posted by rad_x_boarder

  1. PICTURES!!!! How she is sitting in the garage now. Sliders fit perfect into jackstands Annnd maybe not so clean Anybody knows what causes this stain coming off here??
  2. After tonight, I pretty much have her down to just a frame and motor. Front and rear end are completely off as well as tank and seats. Electronics, lights, and signals are gone. Just going to be cleaning things up a bit for now. I have an R6 seat front seat, f4i rear shock, f4i rearset adapters, HEL braided lines, gsxr rectifier, gsxr front brake assembly that will be going on once things are cleaned up. Will also be trying my hand at fiberglass fabrication for a belly pan, rear seat (solo), front and rear fenders, and headlight fairing/mask.
  3. Hey guys, been awhile since I've posted anything. If anyone can remember, I crashed my bike about a year ago and have just been riding around naked, semi-fighterish since then. But now that it's getting cold, I started my tear down. First here is a pic of before the crash.
  4. To know what you are getting in to when you go to drill your best bet would be to go to your unit where you will be drilling. After you pick your mos of course. Get your recruiter to take you. He should be more than willing to do so. Being in the guard is a big commitment. Don't forget that you not only have a federal obligation but also the state obligation. I spent 10 1/2 years in the army national guard. Military Police is the way to go if you ask me. 16 weeks basic and AIT but that was in 1998. I think it's changed since. But if you really want to join the guard, Air National Guard is the way to go. Security Force which is the Air force MP. Haha.
  5. If you are still wanting a swingarm plate relocator, I've got one that I won't be using. $35 and it's yours. Still pretty good condition.
  6. rad_x_boarder

    Ride 7/27

    I'm new to the group riding thing and don't do much twisties. Mostly just cruise around since none of my friends ride. How aggressive are you guys in a group ride and do you all sport full leathers. I ride with a jacket, gloves, and helmet.
  7. Thought I'd get some bigger pics in. She's a little rough around the edges, but I'm going to be doing some work to her this fall/winter. Hopefully.
  8. Thank you all to have responded. Your comments are very much appreciated. You all seem like a great bunch of people. Glad I found this site.
  9. Just found out a guy I went to highschool with lost his life Friday night. He was not wearing a helmet, although according to witnesses it would not have mattered as speed was a factor. He apparently was going a high rate of speed, lost control, and hit a tree. Medics say he died on impact. Weird thing is I just saw him at autozone picking up some oil for his bike. We caught up and b.s'd some and made plans to get together sometime. He rode a burnt orange with orange windscreen Kawasaki I think. R.I.P bro. So to all who are reading this, please be safe out there.
  10. Haha, ok no offense, but it was just a saying that people say about Texas and was trying to be funny. My apologies to all Texans out there. As a matter of fact, I may be heading to San Antonio in the fall for a wedding.
  11. Mine is not what you may think.....if you're thinking Radical Extreme Boarder, that would be incorrect, but quite understandable. My profession is a Radiation Therapist hence the RAD for radiation and the X is because we use high energy X-rays and Boarder because I snowboard. I was going to use Rad_Tx_Boarder since Tx is the abbreviation for Treatment, but I didn't want people to think I was from Texas and we all know what two things come from there.
  12. Thanks for the warm welcome everybody. Hope to see you all on the pavement!
  13. What's up everybody? New to the site. From Loveland (Fields Ertel). Wondering how often and how many of you get together for rides besides bike night at QSL. I'm rocken a 93 CBR F2. Looking forward to (hopefully) ride with you all.
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