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Everything posted by TimTheAzn

  1. 2.5" had 2 sell it tho -tear- my rents didnt like my car. they wanted it stock
  2. hi koolaid man.....OOOHHHHH YYYEEEAAAAA
  3. go here http://www.gofastvideo.com/gallery/item/predownload/332/1/free-racing-videos/goped-versus-firechicken.html my gawd, i want a go-ped prolly a repost...but a good one
  4. I found somthing better http://www.owned.com/Owned_Pictures/carownedgeek.jpg
  5. http://www.owned.com/Owned_Pictures/icaughtyouowned.jpg.jpg
  6. im assuming that everyone did but even i need a friendly reminder now and then
  7. man in houston cops could care less about what your speed is....here it seems to be a competition between cops on how many people under the age of 25 they can pull over in a week...i think they get payed commission or somthing
  8. I'm pretty good with a bow-staff
  9. :gay2: :leghump: HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
  10. Dublin Ohio...wouldnt recomend speeding anywhere in here......everytime i think about it i see a green and silver crown vic roll past or just sitting there....cops in Dublin have too much time on their hands....
  11. Are you going offroading anytime soon? drop it...and quickly! haha
  12. Thank You very much.
  13. A little more direction plz? im new'er to the area....=) thanks
  14. Yea its bone stock too..........should be getting a different car sometime before spring....hopefully.....and yes....i have a sense of humor :asshole: =)
  15. TimTheAzn


    You Still Have Them?
  16. Do those JL's hit hard? 125watts doesnt seem like alot of power...?
  17. No, I wish...it costs more to import and legalize the car than the car itself....but i still want one . no its a name i use for just about everything....made it up a while ago...i use it because i wont forget it easily =) (i have bad a memory)
  18. TimTheAzn


    I dont know if this is the right place to ask this but i had just joined the forums a few days ago and i dont quite know where everything is....but if there is a better place for this thread plz by all means move it to the right spot...but plz tell me where u moved it so i can check up on some answers. I'm looking for some hard hitting subs with box, can come with amp but doesnt have to....no preference on size or brand as long as they are reliable and hard hitting. ( I want to blow women's clothes off! ) plz nothing too outragously expensive.
  19. TimTheAzn


    Sup guys heard about this forum from a friend...reminds me of another car forum i used to go to....houston-imports.com (i used to live in h-town) but now because of my father's job i have moved back here (ohio).....but anyway looking forward to going to some car-meets/ shows, so if anyone has some info on some meets/shows pm me! And to everyone here...WHAT UP hahaha
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