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Everything posted by bbop0362

  1. im in...i've been riding to work all week in this sweet weather
  2. Thats funny...'I keep the speed down once in awhile.' Hey now lets not bad talk the fine men in blue who keep our roads safe from speeders. Once, about 3 months ago, I was on 480E and there was a tire between the fast and middle lane. No more than 100 yards down there was a state creeper with his laser gun trying to pick up a speeder. Now the purpose of handing out tickets is to keep the roads safe...yet that tire that people are swerving to avoid can wait...right. Their time would be much better spent making an effort to stop crime in our communities...or moving a tire off the road before a crash. Ohh well I feel like im just
  3. Damn Kosmo, you do have some bad luck this year. You must live close to me...I'm right by the RR reservation in North Olmsted. I need to find out who the group of guys/gals who ride by my house at 2-3am are. I live right next to 480 and almost every nice night I hear 4-10 bikes fly by at what sounds like top out speed. It wakes me up but I fall back to sleep right away and have sweet dreams.
  4. I feel the need to add one more :lol:to this post.
  5. I know what you mean...my job is also dependent on my licence. And any points that I accumulate must be recorded with my work so I try to take it easy. And to all the 'They couldn't catch me' voters, lets hear some stories!
  6. Yeah the PoPo up here, in general, don't like sport bikers. I talked with a Rocky River cop one time who told me that we are "problems." Sure, some newbie riders who are dumb certainly fit into this category...but not all of us. But I'm not going to lie...I can understand why some RR cops dislike sport bikes. Anyone who has been on that perfect 5+ mile stretch of 90 probally can understand why also .
  7. So I have been doing much commuting recently on the local highways (90, 480, 271, ect.) and it seems that there are bikers stopped all over the place anymore! I was just curious to see how many of us bikers have had a speeding ticket and how bad that ticket was. Thank God for the fine public servants that lurk in the shadows to tax local citizens...and make the highways a safer place to drive.
  8. Some major pot holes I encounter: All of Dover Center in North Olmsted, Almost all of RT 237 from Brook Park to Berea (there is a major bump on this road that is raised about 3-4 inches off the groud). As 480W turns into RT 10 there is some major holes. Those are just the worst I can think of...but the damn pot holes are everywhere up here.
  9. well my screen name story goes way back. the first initials of my first and last name are 'b' and somehow that 'bb' transformed into 'bbop'. the 0362 is from the last 4 of my old cell number. its a screen name i've been using for more than 10 years...bottom line is that i suck at remembering all the different log in stuff for work and personal pages so i keep it simple.
  10. hey whats up and welcome! :honda:I've had a CBR600RR for a few years now and I love it.
  11. I'll keep an eye on the Cleveland forum for sure...I've never been to the boneyard either.
  12. Hey and thanks for the welcome. What are some of your favorite ride spots up here on the west side?
  13. hey there. welcome. i'm a new member from the cle area also.
  14. Hello everyone! I ran across ohio-riders.net and decided it would be nice to meet some other local riders. I've been dodging Cleveland potholes for 3+ years now with the occasional ride into central Ohio. I work at CLE airport and am a student at CSU. I currently ride a '05 CBR600RR and a '03 R1.
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