just because they work at a shop, does not mean they know what they are doing! A honda tech put the timing on my friends 929 1 tooth off! and F'ked his entire engine! he was hearing noise in the engine, he decided take the top off and check this thing out, (not trusting the honda tech again!) the valve was smashing into the piston, and we noticed the timing was 1 tooth off! Another friend of mine took his bike in for a simple oil change, and filter change, the guy put the wrong oil in it, nearly stripped the drain bolt, didnt put the washer back over the bolt, and broke a plastic part which helps retain the air filter. and lost some fairing hardware.. THEN! tried to charge my friend for the shit he f'ked up!!! I have more stories but maybe another day, lolSo yeah, I recommend if you ride, KNOW a good mechanic, KNOW his work, or know how to do stuff yourself. Now days I dont trust anyone to touch my stuff, I do it myself. And just the fact they used the words 'brake oil' would convince me never to go back to that place again!