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Posts posted by mrmako777

  1. You might want to tell what your usage is, street, aggressive street, or track.

    good point. i guess i would say aggressive street primarily since i dont commute on it. i dont typically use engine breaking either unless im taking it easy so im on the brakes hard before i go into the turn

  2. i did find this:

    Top REputations

    1 JRMMiii 346 81106 1736 2 Isaac's Papa 231 56135 1224 3 NinjaNick 245 39026 999 4 kawi kid 191 38254 976 5 wrillo 101 36539 766 6 SAMBUSA 156 36498 801 7 Casper 127 34346 920 8 ChickOn2 90 33686 693 9 cbrjess0815 116 32089 705 10 CbrGirl 111 28088 651 11 shittygsxr 90 27892 638 12 Likwid 74 27683 583 13 OsuMj 109 27279 605 14 InyaAzz 76 26474 600 15 max power 108 25470 586 16 V4junkie 103 24941 549 17 jagr 174 24646 604 18 fusion 94 23413 570 19 that dude 134 22680 550 20 Fonzie 111 22096 513 21 jbot 73 22009 463 22 jarvismb 102 21032 453 23 yotaman88210 100 19976 552 24 magley64 64 19753 463 25 RC51 John 59 15549 390

    i was wondering how high rep power could go, since mine is currently at 202

    edit: just hit post 1000! lol

  3. I took this class this past weekend. The class is 10 hours classroom on a saturday and 2 hours shooting on a sunday. You do not have to bring your own firearm to the shooting portion of the class as they are provided by the instructors (you can if you want though). Jerry and Bill were great guys. I highly recommend this course!

    Jerry Maynus 513-325-1837

    American Legion Post 69

    9000 Reading Rd.

    Reading Ohio 45215

    Cost $50.00

    next class is for October 3-4th!

  4. And I guess the kicker was that Germans KNEW how Hitler felt about Jews, how he said from jump that he was going to murder each and every last one... and the German people went along with it. Not a good look.

    i disagree with you to a certain extent. you have to remember, hitler was something of a messiah to the german people. he took a struggling country and made it a place the germans could be proud of. they rose from a shithole economy to damn near a world superpower. but, not all people agreed with hitler and his extermination plans. not even some of his most trusted advisors. there were more than one assination attempts, all of which failed

  5. OK, so what do deniers say happened to the several million or so people who used to suck air, then suddenly disappeared? Just curious...?

    because im lazy, here is a quote for you :D

    The key claims of Holocaust deniers are:

    • The Nazis had no official policy or intention of exterminating Jews.
    • Nazis did not use gas chambers to mass murder Jews.
    • The figure of 5 to 7 million Jewish deaths is a gross exaggeration, and the actual number is an order of magnitude lower.

    Other claims include the following:

    • Stories of the Holocaust were a myth initially created by the Allies of World War II to demonize Germans. Jews spread this myth as part of a grander plot intended to enable the creation of a Jewish homeland in Palestine, and now to garner continuing support for the state of Israel.[14]
    • Documentary evidence of the Holocaust, from photographs to the Diary of Anne Frank, is fabricated.
    • Survivor testimonies are filled with errors and inconsistencies, and are thus unreliable.
    • Nazi confessions of war crimes were extracted through torture.
    • The Nazi treatment of Jews was no different from what the Allies did to their enemies in World War II.

    i will say that the part i have bolded is true, but, NOT inconsistent with a person who has been through such things to have varying perceptions on their experience. that does not however take away from the credibility of their testimony. you and i may experience the same thing, but view it differently. that does not make our recollection of events unreliable.

  6. What boggles my mind is how people deny it, but survivors who witnessed it are still alive? LOL...thats just dumb!

    holocaust deniers do not deny that many jews were killed (lets not forget they were not the only ones murdered, but by far the vast majority were), but that the holocaust did not happen to the extent that is claimed

  7. denying the holocaust is idiocy bro, but if you feel that strongly about it, speak your mind. i myself share an interest in learning about this terrible time in history. if you get a chance, read filip mullers 3 years in the gas chambers. i found it much more detailed and interesting than primo levis book. a good dvd set to watch is "shoah" as well

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