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Posts posted by mrmako777

  1. They wasn't giving me a hard time. They just said that if I get behind, they will wait at the next stop sign. I just never got far enough back for them to have to wait.

    part of it was that we never expected you to keep up as well as you did, especially for being on a cruiser. i was impressed!

  2. yes

    Ok I thought so. Yes they suck for sure. I remember I went in there one time, the sales people looked at me like I had 2 heads and didn't speak a word to me. Plus they had a left over 06 (this was 08) and still asking msrp for it. Bad business for sure

  3. i may be available...i havent really gone out on a ride with any members since ive been back in town. What part of town you in?

    We're gonna meet up at chipotle in forest park (cincinnati mills) at 630. Like to see some new guys out! So far its looking like me, nick, jon and nate.

    Can't. Getting a bid on a home theater system.

    Couldn't keep up anyway LOL

    You know how we roll man, we always wait up!!!

  4. Bring your little girl man. My sister my come over and bring her kids. They are 2 1/2 and 1 year olds but we love kids man. I'm sure everyone will help watch them.

    if you were doing this on a friday or saturday, id be down like charlie brown, but its gonna be about a 10% chance i can make this

  5. I may have to sell my bike if I don't find another job in the next month so my track bike days will be going down the shitter as well. I could use some support though so if you have some spare time come and visit me if you get a chance in the next couple weeks.

    will do bro. im gonna be burning more of the motogp races to dvd so maybe a COUPLE of us could come out, watch the races, and drink some shasta :D

  6. Avon is closing their doors in springdale which will be putting my old lady out of a job. The only good thing will be that the shutdown will take about 2 years to complete. Needless to say, my dreams of a track bike and track days will likely go down the shitter for a while :(

  7. Honda polish with a micro fiber cloth. Takes all the bugs and grime off. Then I take a clean micro fiber cloth and buff it. I have been contemplating getting some wax to get rid of some of the fine scratches. Oh and the only water that's gotten on my bike is when I've ridden in the rain which I try to make a rare occurrence

  8. He is right that you shouldn't need to push the tires to the limit but that doesn't mean that you can't push them to have fun. I like taking my bike to the limit sometimes. It's more risk but then who of us doesn't go out riding knowing the risks that we are taking...

    the point is bro, that you can go the same speed using less tire. we all take risk yes, but pushing the tire to the limit leaves no room for error, and is unwise. hanging off the bike allows you to go faster, while taking less risk (at least as it applies to the street). ive never seen any pros ride stuck on the seat. that should tell you something :cheers:

  9. When I did my track school our instructor did a lap with his assistant, both on pretty fresh tires, both had strips intact. When they got done, the instructor had done a faster lap and his chicken strips were still there...assistant's were gone.

    His lesson was that if you're riding aggressively and consistently put yourself all the way to the limits of the tire, you've failed at something....either line, position, speed, and you have nowhere else to go.

    The bike shouldn't be doing all the work so that you're at the end of your tire. If it is, change something.

    The lack of chicken strips, as a measure of skill, is kind of meaningless.

    DID YOU HEAR THAT LUKE? hmmmmmm...

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