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Everything posted by phop5

  1. good showing by you guys at the meet n greet.......way to REPRESENT!!
  2. wassup VRD'S brother?!?!?
  3. phop5


    WOW!! this thread is still alive??? are there at least some NWS pics??
  4. the LADIES already call me that!!! tell those fools that missed out for various reasons; that they are not the only show in town!!!
  5. specially that dude that gave me the sweetpotato fry sauce bath......i am now "the real Brown Suga"
  6. Thanks Ashley; now we need to get some miles on that scoot before the next one.......Brown suga out!!!
  7. phop5

    DSC 0056

    the Sinister!!! J, you need to braid that thing.
  8. HELLZ YEAH!!! can't wait for the next one. Thanks Gooners, J, Bret and Art!!
  9. there is a big group out now.......just leaving from QSL.
  10. hold it down over there bruh!!! thanks!!
  11. i'll be there ALL day!! see ya then.
  12. Sorry we missed you at BWR the other night we were on the back.....err front Patio. If you can get out Sunday to the Meet & Greet; give us a shout.

  13. what is the actual regulation on plates and lighting of said item?
  14. did everyone see the old guy out in the lot dancing like Carlton?? i think he busted a hip!!
  15. You too Art!!! I have an obligation to be at the Pig for sure.

  16. a friend of mine lives in Chardon.....I think.

  17. phop5

    IMG 2986 copy

    nice looker!!
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