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Status Updates posted by jagr

  1. Sounds like a plan. :D

  2. We are friends so don't go startin a sisE-fight.

  3. What's up Rockstar. You think they would let us join if I rolled up riding bitch on your Hog? Call me Sometime. Laters.

  4. So what are we doing saturday? I remember the gun show in circleville. But I thought there was something else???

  5. Prolly not the same price but you can get the size and order thru STG.

    Or ask IP to pricematch. I know they do that too.

  6. Cheecher. The Pony had those TCXs unless "over here" means "over there".

  7. You still powdercoating? If so post up. A few here were looking for someone. Laters.

  8. I don't know if I can make this one. I'll try to get some tartar and bring down tomorrow night.

  9. Dude that's 2Bills in your pocket. I'm

    totally fine with it. Do it. I have zero problem with it.

  10. I can't beat $200. Go ahead and do it. Mine works. It's just ugly.

  11. I didn't see them listed. I'll look again.

  12. Hey is FaSigns no longer a sponsor?

  13. Thanks for narrer fraggin my page. :lol:

  14. That's cool mang. That's what I get for crastinatin.

  15. Eliptical thing.

  16. We got acouple weeks. It'll get worked out.

  17. Shit. It sucks right now. Everybody talking shit about how nice it was "supposed" to be. It was crappy and still cold. Oh wells it'll be over in a couple months.

  18. PM me your cell. I don't have it.

  19. 5 minutes tops from Buddys I'm told. It's about $60 a night.

  20. I think a few of us are staying at the Super8 in Strongsville for the IMS.

  21. I don't think so. All you get from the class is an affidavit that you completed the requires coursework. I don't think they expire. I would wait a year though.

  22. Did you try to call me the other day or am i having Nam flashbacks?

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