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Everything posted by jagr

  1. Yep. Looks like I'll have Saturday off so in.
  2. jagr

    '01 R6 4 Sale

    This bike looks good people. I think it only has 14 miles on the clock.
  3. jagr


    I already have a scooter. Thanks though.
  4. jagr


    Thought you had a 25hundo budget?
  5. jagr


    Come get this Black Z.
  6. Yo mama so white she gets a sunburn from a 40 watt bulb. Pasty!
  7. Pretty good job for just winging it Brian!
  8. People here hate tyler so much when he drops his bike everyone keeps going. True Story!
  9. jagr


    Nightrider has one I believe. PM him.
  10. By the time you read this I'll be in the shower with a fistful of Prell. NightyNight!
  11. I have R2s on the 03 Z and the SV. Love em. I can say the Dunlop Qualifiers on the 08 are not nearly as grippy. Tar snakes make me shit myself while sliding around like a lubed midget on a rubber sheet.
  12. Sam has one rule with his sheep. One person per hole. NightyNight.
  13. Hit the Fallen Heros Mermorial while you're there. It's really close. http://www.ohiofallenheroes.org/
  14. Cool KK. HBD Eflow!
  15. Warning!!! Warning!!!Warning!!! Warning!!! SAMMICH MAKERS WILL BE HOG-TIED AND TOLD THEY HAVE A PURDY MOUTH!!!
  16. It will. Strickland is now the NRAs boy. Just sucks we will have to prolly wait till after new years for this to happen.
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