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Status Updates posted by jagr

  1. jagr

    Dude. Sorry I missed your birthday. Phops off next week. So get with him and let's do lunch.

  2. jagr

    what up kid?

    why dont you copy it and put army in and we'll call it even. sorry as much as i love you army guys, im biased to the Corps.

  3. I dont know why i thought you were off today. I guess since banks were closed i figured you would be off too. The Freestyle stuuf looks top notch. im sure you'll be happy with it. And sorry for bailing on you the other night.

  4. Dude you gotta put some of that boat hottness in an album.

  5. dude you are the master, i had like 100 posts on you, and youve got me beat already. WOW!

  6. Sorry to bail on you tuesday.

    Wife and i were feeling shitty. How was Caribbean Jerks?

  7. What's up mang? Hey I need bearings/dust seals Put in my Z rims. Also gonna have you guys put tires on as well. The wheels are being P coated and I should have them back next week. Whattya say?

  8. AWESOME!!!

    I knew I loved you for a reason you sexy bish.

  9. Where the hell are you??

  10. Dude i slept till about 2 something today. i was up all night watchin'tv. sorry i didnt get back at you. catch you later.

  11. THanks Bro. I really had a great time with al you dudes. Im going to brush up on my yokee skills.

  12. Post up some pics of that thang.

  13. When you comin back? We miss ya bro.

  14. jagr

    nah id say 42 at the most.

  15. Yesterday sucked. Got home and chilled for an hour or so. Then tackled some yard work. I hadn't mowed for about 2 weeks. Today hung out with the fam damily. Had my son an went to my moms house.know what I just noticed?

    Your page reads like a twitter account. :lol:

  16. Hooah Homeslice!!!

  17. Hey can you give me any info on the vanity you have in your bathroom. I need a tall narrow one like yours. Thanks man.

  18. just let it go man. these ol'school rednecks dont understand why anyone would make an auto motorcycle. they think Honda is tha anti- christ and think everyone in america should drive Malibus. rant off.... sorry. some people just dont get r&d.

  19. jagr

    Cool. Sorry about the rain. I'm sure you still rode though.

  20. for the referral reward.

    i sign up for the program. then i send you an invite. if you sign a 2 year agreement we each get a $25 gift card. are you doing a family plan or 2 seperate plans? if seperate we each get 50.

    and i will go with you to look at that kawi at Integrity if you want.

  21. don think im gonna make it to Mooses 2night. it sounds like the streets are gonna freeze over. that will be no fun.

  22. also to get the reward, you have to sing the agreement within 30 days of me sending the invite. so i wont do it until your ready. Pm me your email address you want me to send it to when your ready to go.

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