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Status Updates posted by jagr

  1. Are those the $3 ones? If so make me about 10. I'll pay for them.

  2. Are we gonna do it or what?

  3. Are you gonna get in on this. itll prolly be a good turn out.


  4. Are you talking on for your bike or your apartment?

  5. Are you the Ben doing Hoblicks CCW course?

  6. ARTapalooza's are already scheduled. (Shallowtail shows, bitches)

    April 10th at Dolphin Lounge, Cbus

    **NEW** April 30th, Arlington Cafe, Cbus -----We need people for this one!!!

    May 7th Fats Billiards, Cbus

    May 15th Dolphin Lounge, Cbus

    May 22nd Roll On Columbus, Cbus

    June 19th Shimmers, Covington, KY

    More to come. Always gotta promote this shit.

  7. Awesome avatar. :lol:

  8. Awesome screen name.

  9. AWESOME!!!

    I knew I loved you for a reason you sexy bish.

  10. Bagged a Kat huh? Enjoy and see you on it in a couple months.

  11. bastards. I always sign mine.

  12. Been to the grove of sugars lately?

  13. Bike looks good dude. Can't wait to see it in person.

  14. cadite eos. novit enim dominus qui sunt eius

  15. Can you get me 2 tix to the Friday fundraiser? Thanks.

  16. Can't. Workin. Thanks though.

  17. Casper give you this meet n greet schedule?

  18. Casper says you shouldn't have any problems posting.

    Let me know if you do. Laters.

  19. Cheecher. The Pony had those TCXs unless "over here" means "over there".

  20. Classy Sig mang. :D

  21. jagr

    Cleveland bike show. ill be going for sure, P said if he didnt have his munchkins he would go too. im thiinking saturday, we should car pool huh?


  22. Click here.


    Click the red "New Thread" button and tell us about yourself.

  23. Congratz on the '10 Z1K.

    I want one as well.

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