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Status Updates posted by jagr

  1. yep ill prolly be there.

  2. Yep that's his screenname.

  3. Yep yep. prolly both if i can.( Wife)

  4. Yep. All good dood. You gonna come out to something? Like a bike night? We have more than QSL.

  5. Yep. Ashleys two underlings are still there running things. Phop and I still go to lunch there once in a while.

    I really miss Ashley.

  6. Yep. Full coverage through allstate.

  7. Yep. It's a Pearce extension.

  8. Yep. nothing worse than shiddy bike shops.

  9. jagr

    Yep. Yep. cant use any of your stuff anyways. :D

    As of Saturday ima Glock man.

  10. Yep. Yep. You too.

  11. jagr

    yes i iz happie mofugga.

  12. yes teh aiedz is killin me.

  13. Yesterday sucked. Got home and chilled for an hour or so. Then tackled some yard work. I hadn't mowed for about 2 weeks. Today hung out with the fam damily. Had my son an went to my moms house.know what I just noticed?

    Your page reads like a twitter account. :lol:

  14. You better keep that thang. theyll be a collectors item before long.

  15. you can come to the thing sat if you want. those dudes prolly wont show. and if they do so the fluck what. At least stop by and say bye to Dave.

  16. You da Man Hoblick!!!

  17. You da man Yotaman.

  18. You do that gig last saturday? I didnt get a call. everything cool?

  19. you dont have to, but you can if you want. 5255 Sinclair Rd. @ 6:30.

  20. You get my voice mail message?

  21. You get the logo email?

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