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Posts posted by 2wheels>4

  1. It seems to me that lighter, less powerful bikes are easier to handle and thus easier and safer to learn on. They are certainly much more forgiving to a novice rider.

    The down side seems to be that you out grow a small bike very quickly and soon you want a bit more out of the throttle than it can give you... I thought my little GS550 was scary fast the first time I cracked the throttle wide open, now I could take a nap at WOT on that thing.

    Oh, and a slow bike will still smoke the average passenger car. (that weight to power ratio thing...) Even my '78 GS will toast most sports cars. (and a modern bike of similar displacement wont need half it's throttle to smoke the GS)

  2. That's hilarious! I'm in if you get enough people. This is something that gets way cooler with a large group, and way lame with only a few... The Grand Central Station one is pretty epic.

  3. This thread got fucking brutal quick, and then kept going... Wow.

    While she is getting abused by one of these limp dicked fucksticks all she will think about is how much she misses her sweet Mr. Anderson... Meanwhile, back at the OR cave, you will be all hookers and blow, so fuck that bitch. I say go with the nut dragging suggestion and get your pimp on.

    Oh, and if she comes crawling back, put it in her pooper, blow it in her hair, and then kick her out saying, " you're full, I'm done, get lost." It's called "revenge" kid, and it is the only thing sweeter than a crying stripper...

  4. I guess I'm ok with the risk... I ride everywhere and for everything

    +1 Motorcycles are my primary form of transportation and I resist getting in a cage as much as possible. You gotta die from something, sometime and I guess I gave up on worrying about when and where. I wear gear and watch the cagers like rabid dingos in a daycare, but that is just reasonable caution in my book. I have thought I was going to die more times than I can count or care to relate, and I admit that I have had my confidence shaken enough to question certain philosophies I hold regarding life and death and perhaps even how motorcycles might be related to the latter. It is exactly that gut wrenching, breath stealing, mortal terror which keeps me lurching forward in life with a glint in my eye and a sneer upon my lip. Life, without risk and consequense, is a rather boring game to play.

    Road racers, drunks and idiots on cell phones will no more restrict what I want to do in life than anyone or anything else. I have a problem with the concept of spending my life being afraid to live it, or with restricting it because of other's designs or lack thereof. If I may be so lame and geeky to quote science fiction, "Fear is the mind killer." Or perhaps you prefer political quotations, "The only thing we have to fear, is fear itself."

    Oh, and condolences for the poor bastard on the bike, I hope the driver of the racing car gets raped in the asshole by a very large, very AIDs infected man in prison. :nono:

  5. That just might make you:supergay:

    2 wheels (even if a scooter) is still better than 4!

    People using my name in vain again... ;) Yeah, scooters are definitely fruity, but I don't hate. (Well, maybe a little for the scooter, not for the gay.)

    I've done the same thing. I just shook my head and laughed. The guy on the scoot had the look like, Hey they finally acknowledged me. Bringing a little joy into someones life is a good thing from time to time, even it at your own expense. :scooter:

    I gave up on trying to discriminate. Some of them look very motorcyclish when you are approaching and I like to see their reactions anyway. I have noticed a distinct range from too surprised (or scared of removing death grip) to even wave back, to the flamboyant retard wave. Always fun to watch the mentally handicapped at work....

    IDK, most scooters I see downtown look more like they are trying to figure out how to lock the doors... maybe it's the black on black motorcycle... But I'll wave at some for fun.

    This is the best... Pull up at a red light next to a business man on a Vespa in all black on a loud cruiser and watch the silly grin on his face turn to nervousness or embarrassment very quickly... :lol: And they always think they have to let you go first when the light changes even though they were up front... Try to be nice and I STILL scare the poor bastards.

  6. That one on the back looks like a dude... them some manly arms

    +1 Totally looks like a dude.

    There is a woman, who owns a harley down the street from me... She always has her "man" on the back. Every time I see them, I chuckle.


    ^^^^^^come to a bike night in toledo and see the chick who cruises in on her Rebel (yes honda rebel 2fiddy) with her man on the back.


  7. Pictures, in no particular order. Whomever has the group pic, post it in all it's full resolution glory if you would!

    I, for one, had a grand time. The plane was bad ass, parking in front of it for a photo op was super bad ass, and JP's made a nice after-bad-ass snack.

    Oh, and for you Groveport riders that were out today, my house is less than a mile down the road from where I turned off down Groveport road. Since you are close by and like Hocking we will have to get together and ride more often. Amanda Clear Creek was sweet too and we have a few more riders down in Canal Winchester that might join us when we go.

    Ohio Riders is Number 1!









    Yep, that's Chopper 4 sharing a hanger bay with greatness.



    Anyone else get to pull their bikes into an active airfield for a photo op this week?




    You can just photoshop mikera67 out... I think a bunch of the leg humpers just got new desktop wallpaper.


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