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Posts posted by 2wheels>4

  1. Looks good. Watch out for those fumes man, people that paint a lot without masks don't tend to get real old :(

    Yeah, the small stuff I depend on good ventilation or just painting in the open air. When I work on something like the frame where I am indoors and exposing myself for an extended period of time I use a respirator. Makes a big difference, you don't notice how much the thing helps until you take it off and get a whiff of the unfiltered goodness in the air....

  2. How expensive is JP's? I'm poor these days... McDs may be more my speed! LOL

    Normally I would be down for Hocking after, but I have a wedding to attend out of state this weekend and a few things to take care of before I leave town Sat morning. I will ride as far as the south end with whoever goes, but I have to cut out around Canal Winchester or so and head for home.

  3. Yeah, so I have been painting the frame, swing arm, etc for the Suzuki rebuild and I must have inhaled enough fumes to kill a horse when I decided to start painting parts on the Yamaha.....

    The side covers were bothering me, mostly because one had some wierdness going on with blue paint spatter. Not sure how or why this came to be, but I wanted it gone along with the stupid badging. Long story short I pealed off the "Virago" badge and painted the side covers with truck bed coating and unscrewed the "Yamaha" badges on the tank for the same treatment. Eventually I will repaint the tank, and when that happens I will just putty over the mounts and leave no badges at all.

    Before and after pics:

    Before, notice the bluish nonsense on the side cover and the lame badges.


    After, notice the lack of all the above... hehehe. I will let my GF at it some other time, but this was a quick fix that I couldn't screw up too bad on my own.


    And since I am on the subject of rattlecans and paint fume buzzes... Here is the Zuki frame. (Cafe project)

    Torn down to frame in my driveway....




  4. Sounds like the Hilliard/Dublin area is the way to go, I like the idea of Tuttle. Very easy and right smack between them.

    BP or there is a McDs on the other side of the road across from the mall. 12:30 ish sound perfect as well.

    Let's say Noon-thirty at Tuttle for certain. BP is fine, I usually just like a fast food place because I can grab some coffee whilst waiting and they have lots of parking that is highly visible from Tuttle Crossing.

    PM me with your preference if any and I will PM my cell phone number back in case anyone is lost or late on Friday.

  5. Those are fun bikes, my buddy has a V65 and a V45. Ass loads of power from that V4 engine....

    I have a ramp, hand made by myself, out of quality wood... I purpose built it to load motorcycles into a Ford F150 crew cab and it is plenty stout. Don't know how much higher your bed is than the Ford, but if you are desperate you can use it.

    I'm on the south end as well, so closer to you. Also, ratchet straps work great as long as you strap front and rear well and use the ratchets to load the suspension way down. I have transported a few bikes this way in truck beds. I will warn you that getting the bike back down the ramp made my asshole pucker a bit, though I got it all by myself with no damage to me, the bike, or my dad's truck....

  6. nuke 'em till they glow, then shoot 'em in the dark.

    like we should have done already in the bad parts of the middle east.

    It is hard to justify philosophically, but I must say that in some cases I definitely subscribe to the "nuke them from orbit and let Allah sort them out." Iran, China, and the DPRK would be great places to start...

    seriously no, attack on teh interwebs does not require physical sanctions....

    But I'm not against us packet bombing the SHIT out of the source... private company, government, individual person.

    Perhaps not NECESSARY, but if you bomb the particular building where government sanctioned and supported cyber attacks are being generated I could see that as being an appropriate response.... Especially since we have the ability to pick the particular window on the building we want the bomb to enter. Not like the old days where we had to level the whole block to get the building we wanted.

    dprk = ?

    The official name for North Korea. "Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea" Four words (5 counting "of") and three are lies... there is nothing democratic, republic, or for the people in North Korea. Not until someone kills their leader and the rest of his maligned bloodline.

  7. You also forgot to mention that we were lucky enough to watch a 16 year old girl completely mow down a cone on the car cone test. It was HILARIOUS! I saw the minivan roll up to the start point of the cones and knew it would be epic. After she went forward through it cleanly, the reverse became a nightmare. She immediately started to turn in the wrong direction and the middle of the back bumper nailed it. Then she kept backing up and took the cone/stick combo with her a bit. If only I had filmed it.

    Hahahaha!!! I was at the DMV last summer and some teenage girl actually managed to hit a LIGHT POLE in the parking lot.... Not even in the test portion... FAIL.

  8. I just took mine today! The only way you know you failed is if the officer ends the test! I didn't fail mine. I missed the third cone... Don't swing your bike very wide during the cones..some advice :) The cop I had was a total ass! I wonder if they are all like that. Instead of trying to be nice at all....he was just very serious and cranky. Anyone else have that experience?


    I was lucky, got a female examiner.... I ended up walking down to the exam area arm in arm with her as she told me what a nice young boy I was. Test was easy too... :) I nicked a cone on the slalom with my rear tire, otherwise I didn't loose any points.

    I also took mine at near freezing temps and the other two bikers taking it at the same time trailered their bikes in, so I think I got bonus points on that too since she was nicer to me and let me go ahead of them even though they were scheduled first!!

  9. Every attack requires a response, but we have more means available than precision guided missiles. Flounder has the right idea... though it may be a more clandestine organization returning fire for the states than the military, I'm sure we are not giving away free shots to the DPRK.

  10. Hehehe... It really does sound like a squad of Harleys running...

    Would you like to meet somewhere on the West or North West side? Plenty of places to grab a bite and easily navigated for our Mansfield rider. Bolton Field is just outside 270 and just South of 70, so easy access to 270 is a bonus too. I don't mind riding all the way up to Polaris/Westerville, but we could meet in Dublin/Hillard area too if everyone else is coming from farther South.

    Edit: Anyone who is in for a Friday ride to the old bird send me a PM.

  11. :slap::boxing: easy on the IRS agent comments, LEOs are held to a higher standard by all of society...if LEOs were not then we would be having this thread. Do we enforce the law, yes(well, most of us do lol). Do some LEOs who are idiots while off duty make all other LEOs look dumb, unfortunately. Why are all LEOs judged by these few idiots? I am not for or against throwing the book at him, lets not just get everyone to jump on the cop hater throw the book at him bandwagon, besides he wasnt a cop...he is a trooper, they are not police officers haha. :rulez::popcorn::D P.S. not all officers are jerks, and contrary to popular belief, most set good examples, its the few that make poor decisions sometimes here and there that stereotypes all LEOs.

    Troopers = Grey shirted road nazis... (learned that one from OPOTA instructor, repeated it to OSP instructor during traffic portion... guess who also taught PT and Hand to Hand the next month.... ouch. )

    damn taillight chasers... LOL

    And it is an unfortunately high number of LEOs setting the bad examples, perhaps not the majority, but it is certainly a disturbingly pervasive trend in Law Enforcement. (The authority and responsiblity involved obviously being a major factor in both corruption and consequence.)

  12. Update: Now with Pics of the ride!! \

    Article is here: http://www.nbc4i.com/cmh/news/local/article/Flying_Fortress_In_the_Skies_Over_Columbus/18955/

    Basically, one of the few remaining B52 that still flies is in Columbus on tour and can be viewed (or flown in for a price...) at Bolton Field all this week.

    I want to swing by and have a gander at the old girl and if anyone else is game for a ride down to the airfield perhaps they would like to meet for lunch or a beer and then ride on down.

    I was planning to head up to Knox Co. today and run an errand, but that isn't urgent and it should be nice all this week also. Post or PM me if you are interested, I am going to go at some point this week regardless but I don't care when so I will wait to see if anyone else is as bored as I am...

  13. Sorry to hear that, hope it turns out to just be a false rumor.

    As for the rest, everyone is responsible for their own actions. We all make our own choices and sometimes even the "responsible" ones get you hurt or killed. There are no guarantees in life and the best thing you can do is just live it sometimes. My point is, don't beat yourself up over what life throws you, especially if it isn't really in your control.

  14. Good to hear you are ok!! Terrifying to look behind you and see nothing but smoke and headlights...

    I have been hit from behind at a stop light once myself. Now I am paranoid about making sure I stop far to one side of the cage in front of me just to make escape easier. (I also watch my mirror like a hawk until I have another cager stopped behind me for a shield.)

    Did you let the cager know how you felt regarding his driving skills afterwards? It's important for them to learn lessons from these little indiscretions...

    I do the same thing REACON. I always leave space, getaway room, and it in 1st gear when a car is approaching from behind. It is a peev of mine when I'm riding with someone and they are on the cars ass in front of us at a light. I never pull up beside them because I'm pretty much calling them an idiot in my head and want my clearance for an emergency. They can stay there and get rammed, but I'm leaving space for a getaway just like you did. I don't get why some bikers get so close at stop lights to the cars in front of them. I instantly think that they're inexperienced or have no common sense.

    I actually like to get up pretty close to the cage in front since it seems that most of the time you get hit it is because you were not SEEN by the other driver. A car or SUV is much harder for them to miss in their peripheral vision than the small outline of a biker. Thus a distracted person is much more likely to notice the larger cage prior to hitting it and begin decelerating. Having said that, I also try to make sure I am far enough to one side or the other and back just enough to escape around them if necessary. My point is that you can stop pretty close to traffic in front of you AND still leave an escape route, plus you may avoid needing said route to begin with. (when I got hit at a light, I was the first vehicle to stop and the broad putting on make-up behind me didn't notice me stop in her peripheral vision whilst looking down... )

  15. I'm in, will try to trick/convince GF into attending as well. Blues, beers and BBQ could only be better if all three were being served up by hot nekkid chicks.

    And where the hell was the hookers and blow in the poll.... need one for "will be attending if you provide hookers and blow."

    Edit: I told the GF to keep her schedule open for Sun and she reminded me about my friend's wedding on Sat in KY. I think we will be North of the River early enough to catch the shindig, but if I'm AWOL this is why. Assuming I can leave by mid-morning I should be able to make it into town for BBQ sometime prior to 5pm.... Oh, how I hate assumptions.

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