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Everything posted by ReconRat

  1. Pointing a laser at a person is illegal in California, Connecticut, Florida, Hawaii, Maine, Maryland, New Hampshire, North Carolina, New York, Rhode Island, Washington, and Wisconsin. Other state laws protect law officers, firemen, aircraft, and game animals. Ohio only prohibits aiming at aircraft. It's getting pretty wide spread, so expect changes in the future.
  2. We just paint them with lasers around here. Any laser. We never see them again, nor any or their friends. But make sure they are doing something squirrelly and worthy of that, first.
  3. This too. Same race this year. Lap one. No one seriously hurt Crash nails the cameraman spectator. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/motoring/motorbikes/11047800/Footage-of-a-huge-bike-crash-from-the-Ulster-Grand-Prix.html Website for the race. Seven more videos. http://www.ulstergrandprix.net/media/videos/
  4. And now that we can hunt with 454 casull and 45-70 straight wall cartridges.... Good luck finding any in local stores...
  5. So anyway... no more "rumors of war". It's started (again), and it's Islamic State vs pretty much everyone else that won't join them. So it's a caliphate. There have been so many caliphates, dynasties and empires, that they are difficult to count. Find the long list here. The Ottoman Empire was the largest, and it existed until 1924. There are fundamental differences (problems) with Islamic State policy, that will potentially limit it's expansion in the extreme. But it is note worthy to point out that expansion at times in the past have spread to portions of Europe, Russia, Africa, and Asia. Yes, Europe has cause to worry. The potential to expand clearly exists.
  6. ReconRat


    Current estimate of Islamic State strength is 30,000 and growing. That would be the equivalent to one corp of two or three divisions of around 10 brigades. If this number is line troops and not support, it's effectiveness would be at least doubled. edit 12sep14 - CIA says 31500 ISIS troops
  7. Comments on the Lima News facebook article appear to confirm it was Highwaymen m/c from the Cincinnati chapter. Highwaymen m/c are originally from the Detroit area.
  8. It's now a little safer to park around WNF. Apparently the perps stole a GPS enabled device and got traced for location. The raid uncovered a meth lab. The occupants were responsible for a large number of vehicle break-ins around WNF.
  9. A different story here. http://www.peakofohio.com/news/details.cfm?clientid=5&id=142636#.VAtWRfldV8E unknown cause 20 bikes 3 crashes 4 injured one fatality update edit http://www.whio.com/news/news/i-75-shut-down-both-ways-auglaize-county/nhG4q/ 3 injured 2 fatalities
  10. Really not a lot of details. It's not showing up in the news. Both sides of I-75 got shut down for accident and LifeFlights. http://www.limaohio.com/news/news/50267182/Motorcycle-semi-crash-closes-I-75 The "rumors" from the comments say it was Highwaymen m/c. That would be either Detroit or Cincinnati. Story is a cap came off a pickup and hit a semi. Nothing good after that. 30 bikes 10 crashes 4 fatalities
  11. lol basic track lesson from growing up "on the tracks" if it's rusty rails, no trains recently if it's really rusty rails, no trains for a long time if it's nice and shiny rails, there is a train sneaking up on your ass
  12. Last I heard, new geothermal wasn't allowed in Ohio. Maybe that changed (again). Better check first. edit: dunno, maybe that was only in certain counties...
  13. ReconRat


    I don't see anything official. I think they could care less. Found this quote in Pravda: "ISIS (aka ISIL) is often called a powerful and frightening force, but that is almost laughably inaccurate. All estimates of its manpower range from 7 to 15,000 - that is not a lot of soldiers by any standard and no larger than some American street gangs." Probably underestimated. A bit of bravado on Russia's part, seems like that's how Chechnya started out as a local problem for them. A problem that turned into an entire Russian province that considers Russia to be an enemy.
  14. ReconRat


    Interesting qoute from Saudi Arabia's King Abdullah during a meeting with foreign ambassadors in Jeddah: "I ask you to convey this message to your leaders... Terrorism at this time is an evil force that must be fought with wisdom and speed. And if neglected I'm sure after a month it will arrive in Europe and a month after that in America." Without looking it up, I'd say the Saudis have a pretty good track record with military intelligence. A little history here. Israel is currently the 11th most powerful military in the world. But their neighbors are close behind. Taking on one attacker is defensible, but two is questionable and three is risky. Pretty much true of any country. Since ISIS isn't a country and isn't on the world list, I would guess they are currently equal to Jordan in strength, and stronger than Lebanon. With the advantage of a lot of field experience, and unique maneuverability. What ISIS lacks is an air force. What ISIS doesn't need is an air force. Not yet. I get the impression that Hezbollah chose not to fight them, and returned to Lebanon. edit: No, ISIS isn't strong enough yet to enjoin full battle with Saudi Arabia, or even Syria. Not yet.
  15. There are some small 20+hp twin cylinder RC engines that are light weight and run on unleaded. Four of those would be 80hp output. And they turn a 30 or 32 inch prop @7500rpm. About right for scaling up. Unfortunately they cost about $1200.00 each... argh
  16. Simple... 4 fans instead of two for stability. Malloy Aeronautics in UK This is a 1/3 scale for testing The flight controller is funding development through kickstarter. http://www.hover-bike.com/MA/product/drone-3/ http://www.hover-bike.com/MA/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/700x485x1_3rd_Grass_cropped.jpg.pagespeed.ic.493XlwJlCs.jpg Now for some calculations about power, load, lift, and size of motors. Gas, not electric. edit: And one more... the design allows it to be folded smaller for storage.
  17. Vanguard mutual funds edit: or more specifically, Vanguard index funds
  18. yup, it happens a fair amount on older bikes. Sometimes it's just the connections at the coil (or the other end). Glad you found it. Intermittent electrical isn't fun to trace. At least it cooperated for you.
  19. ReconRat


    British news is claiming the US has made the decision to hit selected targets in Syria. Also interested in tightening the Syria-Turkey border. Britain wants that also.
  20. ok, wrote out my favorite chicken rotini alfredo and big burrito recipes... and previewed and hit enter twice somewhere and it threw it away argh
  21. sorry, that's very very cool - nine lives anyone?
  22. all of the above... download pdf if possible. Check half.com definitely. Lots of books go through there. Be aware that it can take some time to get a book in the mail. They often ship book rate and it takes a while. http://philadelphia.cbslocal.com/guide/top-places-to-buy-books-for-college-students/
  23. umm, btw.... if electrical...those coils are fired by breaker points, if you haven't replaced them yet. Common failure point. "back-in-the-day", we used to carry spare points and plugs...
  24. That too, it will sound doggy at low rpms but run ok at higher rpms. And then be ok when sprayed. Another clue is it might run ok in the rain, which seals the leak.
  25. Sudden loss of power? That can come back? -> running on two cylinders - electrical two coils, right? Each runs two cylinders - one of them isn't firing for whatever reason it will feel like a funky 25% - 50% power, but will still make it home edit: two of the header pipes will be cold if it is all four pipes, it's probably a fuel problem or battery or whatever I had the spark plug wires rot off my coils, I went to NAPA and got replacements and replaced stock coils with Blue Goose hot firing coils - don't think those are available any more
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