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Everything posted by ReconRat

  1. Something that isn't well known, is that a big chunk of the temperature increase was simply a change in the way ocean temperatures are monitored. Instead of getting reports from ships and leaving it at that with blank spots, they started averaging in the blank spots. Suddenly the temperatures went up. Apparently it wasn't good math. Not much has happened since then for temperature changes, after what looked like a big jump.
  2. I saw a woman in the house when about 18. Middle of the night, woke up to see her standing there. I froze, she froze. Really weird. Lasted long enough that it wasn't a dream or imagination. I think I counted to 60. Looked like some one from a previous century. No moving or fading away, just suddenly...gone. Gone when I tried to speak. Really rather cool, all things considering... edit: yeah, and somebody fell down the stairs one night. Nothing to see, move along...
  3. Possible Boston infection... http://www.reuters.com/article/2014/10/12/us-health-ebola-massachusetts-idUSKCN0I10UZ20141012
  4. Yup, NASA knows three things clearly. "Most of these climate changes are attributed to very small variations in Earth’s orbit that change the amount of solar energy our planet receives." "There is no question that increased levels of greenhouse gases must cause the Earth to warm in response." "They also show that in the past, large changes in climate have happened very quickly, geologically-speaking: in tens of years, not in millions or even thousands." That last one should cause everyone to pay attention. It isn't impossible to have a 30 year ice age while waiting for global warming to kick back in. Or vice versa. Sudden warming followed by a period of rapid cooling. Bubba has a good point about damage to the oceans. A percent of the world population depends on ocean fish for their main source of protein. Roughly one billion. That's around 14%. To shut that off is a major change, effecting mostly Asian countries, third world populations, and coastal communities. Combined with over fishing, it's going to happen. Results won't be pretty. People will starve, move away, and fight as always happens. NASA sees where the carbon dioxide comes from. It is vast majority from recently developed countries. China and India, and to a lesser extent, Eastern Europe. There is very little we can do here (or there), other than invent new methods and means of energy for them to use. http://climate.nasa.gov/evidence/ Sea Level Rise Global Temperature Rise Warming Oceans Shrinking Ice Sheets Declining Arctic Sea Ice Glacial Retreat Extreme Events Ocean Acidification Decreased Snow Cover
  5. Ok, so NASA doesn't know either. Apparently too many variables. http://www.nasa.gov/content/goddard/antarctic-sea-ice-reaches-new-record-maximum/index.html#.VDQ5V_ldWAg
  6. In the same articles, it points out that the tipping point is around getting aid and treatment to at least 70% of those infected. More or less, anything less than that is probably thought to be "out of control". Yes, "aid and treatment" means isolation and confinement. A 70% would apply to each locality. Meaning out of control could occur anywhere panic and fear causes the infected to hide or run. Or simply travel about, thinking it's only a cold or flu. Currently why individuals with fevers or symptoms are being stopped and examined. edit: Also why efforts to provide medical aid are on the way to the areas that are hit the hardest. Apply the 70% rule. It's relatively easy to kill or control. But it's mostly deadly and easy to spread. A nasty balance that people don't do well with in terms of behavior.
  7. Looks like CDC is a bit apprehensive... I'm pretty sure they mean majority in areas already heavily infected. But those numbers are world wide. edit: basically that is currently a one in 5000 of contracting Ebola for world's human population.
  8. I have no answers. But sometimes wonder about what I see. Neighbor lady was given a maybe 10% of surviving complications from a diabetic shutdown. Prayer group came in. She was home in two days. Doctors really didn't know what to say, they didn't have any answers either. Studies done over in South Korea appear to show that group prayer given for groups of total strangers will alter future events. Again, no answers. But I get to say: sometimes, careful what you wish for... When pressed, I'll start pointing out Jungian theory/psychology of the collective unconscious.
  9. What I saw was the data on both poles and the amount of sea ice. It's breaking all records for both melting AND freezing. Even larger amounts of ocean are freezing. This is because it's both thin ice, and the previous melt left the water less salty, it freezes easier. But thin or thick, it reflects heat and sunlight. Is this the planet's method of regulating temperatures? Is it enough to lower temperatures? Is this how ice ages start? Whip the temps up and down and wind up with glaciers?
  10. Not quite that bad, yet. Do have to pick carefully to avoid low spots that will be threatened in the next 50 years or so. What I see is that a second "undeveloped (swamp)" inland waterway will open up down the East coast of Florida. I would look farther inland to avoid that. And Northern Florida is ok for hundred(s) of years, but not forever.
  11. Preppers to the rescue! Here's what the survivalists are buying up currently: http://nymag.com/daily/intelligencer/2014/10/how-preppers-are-stocking-up-for-ebola-outbreak.html I already have a gas mask and a 3M respirator, they can be handy. And two boxes of cheap general purpose flu masks... Why? mostly because if you needed one, you'd never find one in time... all sold out... edit: should get a box of nitrile gloves and some more Clorox...
  12. Desperately trying to find a semi-rural homestead in the Florida outback - on the edge of cable service, lol just me and the gators...
  13. wouldn't be a bad idea to educate some of the bicyclists either, lol... could be worse > San Fransisco
  14. sure they were Google says 3,590,000 websites discuss bird flu and politicizing/politicized 518,000 for swine flu 226,000 for ebola mumps and measles aren't exempt either...
  15. Today's news says more or less 100 patients under observation across the country. I think this is mostly the CDC's reaction to the Dallas screw-up. Not really going to take any chances this week. And government orders 160,000 hazmat suits... edit: Dallas alone has 100 people under observation maybe another 100 across the country 77 people have been denied boarding on aircraft in the recent days, for obvious symptoms of fever etc quoting an infection control expert: "soap and water will wash it safely away, and bleach definitely kills it"
  16. soooo.... news is saying there might be a case in Washington DC... panic? edit: oops, two people under observation in DC... edit: one of the two in DC doesn't have ebola
  17. I went through a decade where I worked 60-80 hours a week sometimes. Mostly it's possible in a 6 month stretch. Does seem to pay off.
  18. Nope. I'd be happy doing what you did as well. I've even considered the SHTF and could live in the woods. But my target is to work up to something better when I retire. So far it's working.
  19. Ha! Wait till you're within 6 to 12 months of a successful retiring from the current job, and see how bad you want out. No minimum existence for me. Although good to prepare for just in case, the actual goal is to retire with around full pay (plus investments) and actually have a life. And people still work after retirement. I can't see not working at something. Like my doc said, "don't you know the 60s are the new 40s" Truthfully, these are all huge steps to take in one's life. More power to anyone who does.
  20. Squads said there were other wounded/injured that left the scene. Said that was unusual. Said suspected intoxicated. Riders said one bike went down over a little hill and jam-up. A batch ran into the crash.
  21. Silverstar. There are 3 levels of output on standard socket bulbs now. The life is short, shorter and shortest for the bright, brighter and brightest. I've not had any problem in Jeep or bike yet. One year on Jeep and several years on bike. I keep the old bulbs as spare on-board just in case. The high output bulbs no matter what brand have a shorter life in total hours of run time. The bikes should run a special anti vibration Silverstar. Not the same as 4-wheel.
  22. ReconRat

    Holder out

    Rumor is Democrats fear losing the senate and aren't taking any chances. but this... http://www.theonion.com/articles/obama-informs-nation-anarchy-will-reign-during-sea,37024/?utm_source=Facebook&utm_medium=SocialMarketing&utm_campaign=LinkPreview:1:Default
  23. add 515-353-6541 - got that today - google says unwanted sales call from the infamous "rachel" to re-finance credit with lower rates
  24. Route 23 North of Delaware used to, and probably still does give out tickets for even over using the left lane. Passing only. It's still a law everywhere, I think, just seldom enforced it seems.
  25. From what I can see, most of the states that have laws about that, are more concerned with inducing fear. Threatening or simply hurting their little feelings...
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