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Everything posted by ReconRat

  1. About 70,000 years ago, the human population of the Earth was reduced to about 15,000 people. Attributed to the Toba super volcano in Indonesia erupting and changing world climate for a bunch of years. Yeah, it can happen.
  2. I dunno, there still isn't any medicine to kill a virus. Only vaccines to prevent violent infection. And viruses can mutate way faster than vaccines are developed. edit: The Spanish Flu hit people so fast that medicine, doctors and hospitals meant nothing. Couldn't do a thing for a person that didn't know they were sick till they were suddenly dead.
  3. It's not this flu that people are afraid of. It's the fear of another pandemic like the Great Influenza Pandemic of 1918. One fifth of the world's population was infected. 675,000 died, that's twice the fatalities of World War One. The average life span in America dropped by 10 years. It struck people between age 20 and 40. It was a sudden and violent death. For some reason it hit Philadelphia really hard. Philadelphia had 12,191 reported deaths and 47,094 reported cases in four weeks. It started in April and May, but was only a mild flu. By the end of the year, it was deadly. A person could leave the house in the morning feeling ok, and be dead before making it to work. They would find young men dead on the street, where they were walking. The lungs would fill with fluids, and the bodies would turn blue/black. The phone systems stopped working for lack of operators. At one point, communications with the city were lost, from outside the city. Pharmacies and groceries were stripped bare quickly, and all stores closed. Workers in orphanages and rest homes and even hospitals fled in panic. Young students became stretcher bears hauling patients into the hospitals, only to haul the dead out. The dead could not be buried fast enough. Cold storage units were used to store the bodies. Packing crates were used as coffins. Delivery trucks were used as ambulances. Horse drawn wagons started hauling piles of bodies away. They began digging mass graves... It was over in 20 days. It came back twice the next year. This is what people are afraid will happen again. Read the story of what happened in Philadelphia: Death from "The Spanish Lady" - It started with a cough.
  4. First shot may have been a bit low and in the neck or jaw. Maybe fatal, maybe not. Second and third shots definitely fatal. Got to respect the street in Central and South America. Don't mess with the kids on bicycles.
  5. I did that once. Forgot it was on the other bike. I just told the truth. Showed both registrations, and he let me go. Yeah, one registration wasn't current, it was for sale.
  6. It could be lots of things... Read this stuff: Yahoo health - Cough Scroll down to "Check Your Symptoms" and follow instructions. Do the same for this one if it's a sore throat: Yahoo Health - Sore Throat Scroll down to "Check Your Symptoms" and follow instructions.
  7. I hate to say this but a large portion of the Earth's population is so simple and without education, that they truly do believe the Earth is flat because that is what they see. As well as the idea of the Sun revolving around us, because that is what they can see. Not to mention that the average college graduate can't get it right either.
  8. yup, it's probably a mockup, and made of cardboard, plastic, modeling clay and paint. Picture it in real life made of just.... plastic mostly... with two regenerative/braking electric motors, a battery, and two lights.
  9. And yes, I'd rock one to work as commuter wheels, on a road filled with thousands of them. Way cool.
  10. Some day in the far far future, when there is no gasoline, we might all be riding the same identical cloned electric motorcycle. Honda thinks it might be this: Honda EV-Cub Marries Electric Bike With 2WD, Star Trek Communicator
  11. hahaha, be ready to look at about 400 types and styles of gloves.
  12. Not many movies actually creep me out. The first Aliens movies with the theater sub-sonics did a pretty good job if you watched them in the theater. But for a Halloween movie, hmm. LifeForce, an attack by life sucking space alien vampires. Parts of it will scare the poop out of you. LifeForce
  13. Cats just eat grass outdoors. They won't mess with anything else. Although Aconite looks like grass and is deadly toxic. Aconitum, known as aconite, monkshood, wolfsbane, leopard's bane, women's bane, Devil's helmet or blue rocket. It's toxic enough that you shouldn't handle the plant with your bare hands. But it sure doesn't seem to hurt the squirrels, who eat Aconite plants anyway. Not that I would miss a squirrel or two, maybe the Aconite eaters are gone now. My suggestion; plant catnip in somebody else's yard. Far enough away to keep them out of your yard. Fox, bobcat, or coyote urine sometimes works also, as a repellent. But that would probably attract fox, bobcat and coyotes, lol. Note: historical lessons learned the hard way over and over again, say that getting rid of feral cats results in rats and mice. The first sign of rats and mice is a bunch of hawks and falcons hanging around staring at the yards. Which isn't good for any remaining cats, because hawks like cats also.
  14. You mean like taking the lead out of gasoline to save the environment? And the chemistry they used to substitute for lead are among the most dangerous chemicals now in our environment. Good move, worked out well (not). Also means you can't put your hands in gasoline anymore. That's very dangerous. The bad chemicals are absorbed through the skin. The fumes are also, so hold your breath when you are pumping gas.
  15. now that right there is funny... quackers everywhere Thank You
  16. ha, dogs and cats will eat about any plant. What you want is those that aren't toxic! You don't want anything that is on these lists. Lists of toxic plants http://www.sniksnak.com/plants-toxic.html The Humane Society http://www.cfa.org/articles/plants.html And lists of safe plants: Outdoor garden http://houseplants.suite101.com/article.cfm/child_and_pet_safe_houseplants http://en.allexperts.com/q/House-Plants-721/Cat-Safe-Plants.htm Cats eat grass to aid digestion. My Mom planted grass in a low flat clay pot, and her cat eats only that and nothing else. That works. My yard has at least three deadly plants. The cats don't eat them.
  17. Note: Lowes isn't a very good place to buy plants. Get in the habit of going over to deMonye's Greenhouse. That is where I get my plants. It is a huge place. http://demonyes.net/

  18. It used to be mandatory with my friends to ride somewhere in the morning on January 1st every year. As well as New Year's Eve if we could manage it. Not far, just go somewhere for a while and go back home. the first and last day of the Years. We got pulled over in Reynoldsburg once. No charges, I suspect he thought we were drunk for being out when there was a lot of ice still around. He actually said he was impressed when we pulled over on ice, using feet a lot to stay up, and didn't fall down. I don't think he saw that I had put my side stand down and was sliding on that, holding it with my foot on it.
  19. eww... and ditto what Max said edit: and I'm going to Lowe's in a little bit. Tools and cheap houseplants, can't beat that.
  20. Excellent. And you'll know it was done right. And if anything else ever happens, you'll have a much better idea of what it might be. Experience counts for a lot.
  21. Perhaps we can find some frozen dead flowers to leave on your doorstep for you to find. Make you feel wanted and all. Or a pile of slightly used motorcycle parts that may or may not fit. just teasin'
  22. Minor detail... but this is the Battle Flag of Northern Virginia. It's not a Confederate States of America flag. It's become the defacto "confederate" or "rebel" flag over time. Mostly because it looks nice and it's a favorite among all the various flags used by the Confederates. It didn't gain prominence of usage even during the civil war till toward the end of combat hostilities. Unique battle flags are carried by various army groups so they can be identified at a distance on the battle field. There were also two Confederate Naval flags (The Second Confederate Navy Jack, 1863-1865 and the Naval Ensign) that were the same similar design, only the Naval Ensign was square. And actually predate the Battle Flag of Northern Virginia, I think. As well as the Naval Ensign flag was sometimes used as an Army battle flag. Confused yet? Now the question, at what point is the design of a flag that mocks the American Flag considered to be a disgrace to the American Flag it is mocking? And what would the proof and penalties be for that? I pretty much have no problem with the display of a battle flag. If it is honoring the soldiers that fought for it. But I do notice that very seldom does the actual flag of the Confederate States of America get displayed. So this begs the second question, does that Obama flag represent the Obama Army or the Obama Nation? Or both? Is it a battle flag or a national flag? Or both? Or is it just a decorative flag that gets displayed on Obama Day.. oh geez, did I say that out loud?
  23. I'm going to get a couple of pairs of flannel lined jeans. Kinda hard to find.
  24. When it gets REALLY cold... 1. I only see BMWs 2. I actually have to use the choke 3. I actually start using Winter gloves and boots 4. I start wearing 5 or 6 layers 5. I'll start using the baklava or a scarf or both 6. I think about switching to a full face helmet (got three new ones) 7. I start going around puddles and wet spots, they might be frozen 8. Ice forms on the inside of the face shield when I breath 9. I put hands on the engine at every stop 10. The tires and suspension never warm up no matter how far I go I'm only at between 1-1/2 to 2-1/2 of 10 items so far. Not so cold yet.
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