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Posts posted by ReconRat

  1. I looked. The changes to the hunting laws are not posted yet. So who knows... So velocity of a 38 special from an 18 inch barrel is about the same as a 357 magnum from a 4 inch barrel. Good enough for small game under 50 pounds. Effective range about 80 yards. Actual range would be that where the shooter can consistently put a shot in an 8 inch circle. About 12+ inch drop at 80 yards shooting point blank sight. Doesn't sound like a deer cartridge to me.


    357 magnum has awesome stopping power. Not much beats it. So if the deer will stand up and face the shot, go for it. Otherwise a heavier and larger diameter bullet might be useful for any other type shot.


    Actual type of bullet selection, for hunting performance, would be pretty critical with handgun or lightweight rifle cartridge.

  2. I'm using two freebies on my droid.GPSTracking Lite (or Pro, it's free) and Real Time GPS Tracker. Slight differences. Real Time also works with a website people can log into to see where you are (or more exactly where the phone is). You email them the link for the map.


    Loss of signal can cause these apps to stop and fail to restart on their own. Have to notice the problem and give them a kick. Waze sometimes does the same thing.

  3. Ok, actually did re-think. It's pretty common for non-citizens to make a social security card, and even to copy it a bunch of times, for a batch of friends to all use to get jobs here. I've actually seen it happen, kids using a color copy machine to do so. It was amusing. If some of them decided to vote, the result would look like a person living or dead, voting multiple times from multiple locations. Which apparently is entirely possible, since many places do not check a voter's identification that would identify them as a legitimate voting citizen...

  4. Yeah, parallel twins aren't all that bad. I've had plenty of them. They used a parallel twin and leaned it forward, so they could lower the seat. It is a large displacement bike for vertically challenged riders. I object to  the weirdo transmission. Would not want to have the added weight. And the lack of a TV to go with the couch.


    edit: seat height 25.59" Rough guess is about 4'10" could clear the seat standing flat footed without hardly touching it.

  5. Also realize that if only half checked against half, the actual national total would possibly be around 4 times higher, not two. So these results for one average state times 50 times 4 = 200 times higher for national numbers. I suppose if and when votes cast exceeds the actual voting age population, some one will say we're all lying about the actual size of the population. Oh wait dang it, we already did that... we don't have to be citizens of this countries population in order to vote. Let me re-think this...

    • Upvote 1
  6. What I don't like is that only roughly half the states decided to do this cross border checkup of voters. The other half declined. Did this fall along party lines? How did that line up, I wonder. If it followed party decisions (which it most likely did), it would once again be cause to worry, for one reason or another. Either accusation or denial. Just another straw (or bale of straw) on top the camel's back.


    And if we want to blame someone, blame people in general. Everyone has learned to cheat the system in one way or another for personal gain. We aren't good people as much as we used to be. A steady decline. Just an opinion.

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  7. might want to hedge your bets on this one...

    if the info came from a Board of Elections, it might be valid

    I mean they didn't mention aliens or bigfoot in the same sentence, just sayin'


    edit: dangit, I had to bump into it in the news...

    here ya go, left, right and maybe middle:





    It all needs to be verified. What's at stake is the Justice dept challenge of the NC restrictive voter laws.

  8. Whew, only rain. And a good solid rain at that. Just what we wanted. Now please no more salt. Monday is cold in the morning but nice in the afternoon. Tuesday and Wednesday are looking nice. I want to get the "newbie for a week after a long Winter" out of the way and get on with it.

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  9. I remember stories about college kids approached and/or recruited by alphabet soup (CIA/FBI/NSA/ETC). I doubt it has slowed down at all. Occasionally makes the news.


    I tried to find the info on current practices of news and media suppression that was passed by either congress or executive order last decade. It's a little hard to find now. I guess it's now... suppressed info.


    If you watch internet info on cutting edge science and military stuff, you would notice how often some of it vanishes. Removed from the internet, never to be seen again. This I understand. With some of that stuff, you really don't want the entire world knowing about it. And in the same manner, I won't talk about that stuff on the public internet. Not that anyone would believe it anyway.

  10. Not what I was expecting (or rather wishing for) this weekend. If they do drop salt I'll be disappointed. Monday appears to be clearly ride worthy, and I wanted it to happen. Now wishing for a hard rain. Take the salt away.

  11. Some people are fueled by emotions, and not decisions. It's the difference in power between the Id and the Ego. They will react, rather then analysis. There has been and always will be a large group of people that do this, for whatever reasons that caused it to be. The fast pace of internet communications (from our instant tweeting phones) has simply made it all the more visible to the general population.


    Thinking and decision making take time, and will never catch up with the quick reactions of emotions.

  12. Vs the kool aid that says everything is a conspiracy without backing it up with proof?

    Maybe you're right, but how do I know you're not a CIA agent trying to use reverse psychology to make me think you're anti-mainstream just so I predictably invoke symbolic logic thus making other conspiracists believe all hope is futile?

    lol, there are many flavors of kool-aid. Choose wisely. And fortunately, the powers that be have yet to realize, nor can yet afford, the manipulation of the internet at this level. On other levels, they do just fine. When it happens, it will be an army of bots. Computer programs, all in a row. They won't be perfect, they will fail at sarcasm and innuendo and local colloquialisms and such. They will give themselves away like the shallow little machines that they are. But they will be incredibly annoying.


    But there has been some success in manipulating people in the general population to do the very same job for free. That technique goes back to the dawn of time. Just as history is revisionist and seldom reflects the reality of events that occurred, the news, media, and the internet are champions of the same. We can call it sensationalism and judge it mostly harmless, but the effects are real and long lasting.

  13. Yes, information is free to everyone, I'm sure it's entirely unnecessary for us to go off shore to find out information that is missing in national media sources in the US. Nor is it necessary to have to find news sources outside of any of the major distributors of news information. Information would never be missing or eliminated from distribution to the population. The US media is also entirely unbiased and completely truthful, with no agendas or culpability.


    Feel free to drink the kool-aid.

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