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Posts posted by ReconRat

  1. I used to paint houses. Those tall ceilings are one of the hardest things to do, but there are worse. Figure out what you need for scaffolding and get it done. Carefully.


    edit: worse is steep pitched roofs like in German village or Italian village, where you have to tie yourself to a counterweight to stay on the roof. Scarey stuff.

  2. Yes, it is an interesting article, with what appears to be good data. I'll spend more time reading it to understand it.

    But I can't help but wonder if the American dream has become for everyone to be cookie cutter all the same...


    Won't ever happen, some people work harder than others, and that's the difference.

    edit: ok, and some won't work at all...

  3. wtf cattle...


    you have a garden

    the garden grows food

    you eat the food grown in the garden


    I go over and eat all the food in the garden which is ok since you were going to eat it anyway


    and now some one will say it wasn't your food it was never your property

    or it wasn't really food it was back taxes due

    or you're a selfish (political party of your choice) for hording all that food you're too rich you should give it away


    please, some one find reality and bring it to us and let deception go home

  4. there is a law, passed by congress in 78...http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Public_Rangelands_Improvement_Act_of_1978



    Later modified by reagan in '86...




    Bundy's claim is that there is no US government...

    Yes, that is correct, and it worked pretty well. Too bad it's past history. Now tell me where the current Bureau of Land Management came from. The outfit that is enforcing the current standards. And if those standards have approval of the congress or public. Go for it, I could be wrong.


    edit: btw, summary judgement can mean different things. Mostly "not a case by court and jury". Award is granted to one party and not the other without deliberation (other than the judge). It can mean one party was plumb loco, or it can mean there is no contestable law. Only summary judgement. Go back and read the Public Rangelands Improvement Act and see what the transgressions and penalties of the law are. There aren't any. Ergo, summary judgement without a trial. The transgressions and penalties can be anything the government says it will be. Which is sad. We need regulation, but not abuse. A fine line of tightrope to walk. The easy way out is to have Congress decide and make it clear. Maybe they will.


    Reading some more. Will Bundy ever make any headway with this? No, simply no. He will not win anything under any circumstance. Not going to happen. Neither will the people that support him.

    • Upvote 1
  5. Aren't all legal decisions "one sided"?

    Bundy had his chance in court, he decided to represent himself and simply deny that the federal government exists... Great defense in a federal court. So 20 more years of illegal grazing, and the blm gets an order to legally remove the trespassing cows.

    Not really. A law can be reversed by a jury's decision against. He could say there isn't a law. Laws are legislated with representation of the people. A rule or regulation that isn't created by people or our representatives cannot be changed or challenged. Until now, apparently. There are rumors that a batch of the Western states are now reviewing possible return of federal land to state ownership. A batch of states are also re-establishing or improving their respective state militias. Ohio is one of them.

  6. How about obstruction of justice? These agents were executing a lawfully gained warrant when these terrorists showed up and started aiming rifles at them.

    Street has the point with it being a political issue. That makes it likely that it wasn't a "normal" event, and won't have a "normal" response. Not with elections coming up. I also have to think of politicians and law enforcement that showed up on the support of the state side of the conflict. Wasn't necessarily a "state vs federal" thing, but that's not the point. Once in the media and courts, it could be easily. That and I just can't see politicians and law enforcement called as witnesses.


    Remember that this was a warrant to take property per a one sided decision, rather than work through the courts. The judge for the warrant probably had no way to refuse it. There's nothing to refuse. Part of that problem is that it isn't law per se of a state or federal legislation. It is a rule of a bureau, which is another "sticky wicket" if it were in an actual court.


    edit: I did read some LA reporter's account that anyone that had weapons out were ambushed and escorted back to town away from the area. Unable to confirm. Those are probably what you're talking about. They went too far.

  7. I Don't hate militias, but many involved in this particular event crossed the line from peacefully protesting to terrorism.

    Those are unorganized militias, that are mostly not recognized by states. Unorganized militias exist only at the request of a state. There would be a wide variety. But still, they are potentially militia, since everyone is potentially militia per most state law. Some states even require the male population of age to own a military rifle. Old law, most everyone ignores that part anymore. Or even back at the time, since it was expensive. (Or useless, since when called most showed up with civilian hunting rifles, not military rifles.)


    By definition of terrorism in 18 U.S.C. § 2331, it could have been domestic terrorism, except that it didn't quite meet the requirements. Most terrorism requires violence or harm. I'm sure there's a "conspiracy to commit" rule somewhere to cover the "almost but wasn't". If there's reasonable charges, I'm sure there will be arrests. Until then, saying otherwise would be probably be defamation of character.


    edit: ok, I looked up recent revisions of code and definitions. It covers a lot more in terms of activity. Even "exercising first amendment rights" in the wrong place could be considered domestic terrorism. But it looks like in all cases a federal or state law must be broken in the process, at a minimum.

  8. The National Guard is a federalized state militia. Back when, anyway. Leaving behind a weakened official organized state militia and an unorganized state militia. Most states cover all of the above in state laws. Typical would be all persons male and female between the ages of 16 and 67 are included in service in time of need. Most states are again strengthening their state militias. Mostly for use in natural disasters as organized supply of disaster relief and military police. They are trained for it and are better than volunteers. (And apparently states think better than federal assistance.)


    So hating militia would be.... pretty much everyone.

  9. Back in my teens, I stuck my pants leg down over a kick starter at a red light. Couldn't get it off in time. Yeah, just enough off balance to go on over. I couldn't think fast enough to lean body away from the leg not available and hold it up. It was one of those NOOOOOOOO! moments. No harm done, just lots of cursing in the middle of the night.

  10. ummm, founding fathers were opposed to a government by decree that was supported by roughly half the population.

    Remember the part about representation of the people? Not voted on and not elected was exactly the point...

  11. This one has the rights to Godzilla, which included the voice of Godzilla. Much better.


    edit: btw, a batch of classic Godzilla has posted up on internet movie websites. Some free, some not.

  12. Interesting.

    You'd think they'd multiply ft lbs x velocity=X and then yards=Y. And chart the rounds kill range from there. Leave out all the types of bullets crap.

    Your link to the Rossi doesn't seem to work at least on my phone.

    Yeah, usually impressed with Chuck Hawk stuff, but this is confusing. Added a link to the tacti cool lever. https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4146/5085636648_dd528dc326_b.jpg I looked at revolver cartridge lever carbines, and I like the Rossi 454 Cassull. 75% more power than a 44mag. A baby 45-70. But nearly impossible to find one.


    edit: Changed link to another source. That first one started blocking.

  13. Here is something. Chuck Hawks wisdom on deer hunting. Caliber selection.

    Recommends a minimum 1500fps at target for expansion and 800ftlbs at target.

    That would make most straight walled cartridges either not qualified or limited short range.








    since we're talking mostly handgun cartridges, better throw this one in:




    In this one, he turns around and says handgun cartridges can work for a woods gun:



  14. Not over yet. The "protesters" want the cattle back that were taken. The I-15 freeway got shut down because of the crowd. Lawmakers from neighboring states are talking about joining them. This is happening right now. Probably nothing will happen. But would be nice if they got the cattle back. Local news, not national.










    edit: Local news is saying the BLM will release the hundred head of cattle they have there at that location. Nobody seems to know what happened to the rest. Not real clear, but all of the cattle might be returned.



    The case is the latest flourish of the civil disobedience popularized during the 1970s Sagebrush Rebellion, a movement that sought greater local control in 12 Western states where the federal government administers 60% of the land.  



  15. All these friggin newbs in the woods, u might not have any baby deer walk to u this year.

    Frigging 357mag levers r jumping in price already.

    I'll barter a stainless 8" 44mag redhawk for a 357 or higher caliber lever action pre 1990.

    Winchesters and Henrys never were easy to find. Still can get a Rossi 44M stainless lever carbine drop shipped to FFL for about 535. A Marlin in 45-70 should be in stock at about the same price range. And there's still some Ruger bolt guns in 44M. Most levers in 357 are long out of stock, and 44M will probably follow soon. There's been a run on 357 levers since last year. Can't find many of the 45 Colt now either. Could use that with Buffalo Bore hot loads, if the manufacturer allows high pressure rounds..


    edit: I checked the Rossi M92 manual, and nothing said about ammo limits. the Rossi M92 lever can handle 45 long colt hot loads. These can be found in 16 and 20 barrel, and in stainless. The same Rossi receiver frame is used for the 454 Casull. Which is out of stock, of course.

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