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Everything posted by ReconRat

  1. geez, well, you missed the gal on the really nice V-Rod. I shoulda slammed a pic quick. Too late. oh, and MJ fail, tsk...
  2. wut? were you inside? we were all outside on the corner of the patio. Mostly... 7pm to 10pm
  3. Gosh, I hope I don't have to change my name if everyone mis-spells it... And fun to see those that showed no fear of thunderstorms.
  4. ex-motorcycle mechanic ex-Army payroll clerk (5th Special Forces-HQ SpTrps USARYIS) ex-mechanical designer ex-aerospace engineer currently computer technician jack-of-all-trades
  5. Good point. Flashing your lights in California means "go ahead and pull out." Thanks for reminding me of that.
  6. Tank slap is a frequency based oscillation. It is dependent on the vehicle speed for the frequency of oscillation.. It can happen from a flat front tire (or flat rear tire), suspension design or problems, mechanical failures, or interaction between the tire and the pavement. Both increasing and decreasing the vehicle speed can make the oscillation stop, but not always, not every time. But most oscillation would be recognized as speed increased, making it much more likely that speed should be decreased in order to get rid of it. Not to mention that your survival rate goes up as velocity goes down. The point is... You do have to fight the oscillations till it's gone. I'd much rather be slapped at a slower rate of 30 times a minute, than 120+ times a minute. So I wouldn't try to accelerate out of it. Not to mention that you still have to ride the bike, stay on the road, avoid other vehicles and obstacles, etc.
  7. Hopefully the new engine will make it into several different bikes.
  8. It won't be the concept bike shown, it will be something more street. Concept bike
  9. Old school hang off. I don't think it works well on the modern bike designs or suspensions or tires.
  10. Apparently rep from scamming an insurance company was way more important. Nobody believed that story from day one. That was a way too common scam back then. yeah, waste of talent from brain fail...
  11. ReconRat


    Aardvark...(I know, they don't fly) I read that article and I see... PETA has requested that we all live trap our insects and ship them to PETA headquarters. There they can be properly cared for, and live a happy life. This news just in, PETA headquarters has been declared a medical emergency by the Center for Disease Control. Apparently all the insects shipped there has resulted in a breakout of malaria, dengue fever, and several other insect transmitted afflictions.
  12. dangit, I forgot about the server time difference... so that be 85 posts in one hour for an average 1.41667 per minute or one every 42 seconds... now you know...
  13. Attention: This thread has the potential of reaching 100 posts in one hour ! hit it
  14. you going to Buffalo Wings thing? I'm beat, been up since 3am.

  15. I'd be careful asking JRMiii much of anything.... zing! argh.... I replied to something that got EDITED! I be zinged...
  16. Good luck, there appears there are differences between the horizontal and the vertical motor, as well as differences between the electric start and the non-electric start. From what I can tell by searching, anyway. One source says one of the MotionPro pullers will work. Another one says: "On the Chinese motors I have worked on, the upright motors use the Honda XL175 puller and the horizontal motor uses the Honda CT70 puller. The scooters use a universal three bolt puller for most models." I get the impression there are possibly three different thread size pullers that are common on these motors. What does appear often in the searches, is a Chinese double sided reversible puller that works for two thread sizes. Cheap at about 10 bucks. I had zero luck on finding any service manuals.
  17. Me too. RIP Carlos Pardo.
  18. http://www.ohio-riders.com/showthread.php?t=20452 Thread from the past... There was a bit in there about the Northern Ireland race. This is the one that Earache went to see. I guess it's one of the fastest road courses anywhere, and it's on public streets. 8.938 mile circuit. Top speeds of over 200mph. Average lap speeds of 125mph.
  19. lol, yeah, I looked at that after, and thought what is that? No such thing...
  20. Ok, time to rant and rave. I just had my 3rd close call in 2 days, and by far the closest. All were cars turning in front of me. This one pushed me out of my lane from the right, turning into my lane (left lane). I didn't bother using much brakes (too late), I slowed, then crossed the double yellow in a 35mph zone and passed on the left. This is getting to be way too common. I'm not riding fast. Same speed as the cars around me. Apparently I am indeed invisible, or these people just don't care. Or don't know how to drive. Or actually are trying to kill someone. I don't know. But be careful, everyone, it's weird. If I can have 3 in a row, you can have one too. Expect the worst. Plan for the unexplainable. Leave yourself a way out of anything that might happen. Ok, I feel better now, but it's going to happen again. I'm not even counting fools on the freeway in slow traffic, that think they can push into my lane while I'm in it...(three of those today also) My advice: when in doubt; use lots of brakes, early and often. Add maneuvering to adjust... or just stay out of heavy traffic, geez... edit: just a thought, but there has been plenty of time to see it happen before hand. I'm going to try to start flashing my brights at them to see if it makes any difference. edit edit: In California, flashing lights at someone means "go ahead and pull out". Results might vary, maybe I'm ok with hitting the brights, but not flashing the lights. Maybe should leave brights on in daylight. Dunno.
  21. yup, fast. In my dreams I will visit Isle of Mann for an event. I should just plan it and go.
  22. ^^ what Earache said... It will leak, especially most of the rope type, it's only a matter of time. The "mushroom" patch/plug from the inside is a much better patch. I would just buy a tire. But I can afford these frustrations. I can understand the pain. But it's also that I've had blow-outs before, and they are no fun.
  23. Nice write-up, thanks. Can we emphasis pre-riding the road at a more calm pace to scout it first, to see how it goes? Before hitting it hard? I've heard a few say it's better to hit these roads hard going North, uphill, rather than South, downhill.
  24. All my dogs (and one cat) loved to ride the bike. It was their idea, but all they got was low speed around the neighborhood. I thought the real thing might have been terrifying... They were happy with what they got.
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