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Everything posted by Cdubyah

  1. I hated this movie. I contemplated leaving the theatre.
  2. They are patching the Javelin and akimbo glitches. If you report someone for glitching they get a 3 day ban.
  3. I knew Toys R us was callin my name yesterday....
  4. I have a $20 AD Farrow gift card. PM me, and we shall discuss. I think it's $20, I will need to check and make sure.
  5. Traitor!!! In all seriousness though congrats.
  6. Some of the firearms, are actually sold by retailers. So not all are private sellers.
  7. It's the Al Sharpton or Don King of chickens!
  8. I took French, not German. Never had to deal with frau. I do remember mooning her one day after school though.
  9. Wow...thanks Emilio Next you're gonna start quacking...
  10. Totally agree with this statement. However, in today's society, people can't seem to get through the day without some sort of juicy gossip. Gossip needn't be false to still be gossip.
  11. It's usually not pleasant for anyone involved.
  12. Honest to god, what did she think would happen? So you kissed an 18 year old high school kid, and didn't expect him to tell his buddies? She gets a der der der from me.
  13. What the hell are you doing to pull that much data? I'm not even in the ballpark. 241,141.07KB
  14. Cdubyah

    Deer Season

    Yeah we get all of the dumb fuckers from up north down here. No offense to your smart fuckers.. If it's brown, get down!! Someone is gonna be blasting away, since they can't hit anything. Correct me if I'm wrong Kawi, but didn't someone try to check in a goat a couple years ago?
  15. Bike looks great. Looks like you took more damage than it did. Glad you are still here to show us your rebuild.
  16. Cdubyah

    Elephant cleaning

    "Bob, today you get to stick your head in dumbos ass!"
  17. Cdubyah

    parade 01

    Yes. 4th of July
  18. Cdubyah

    No caption

    mmmmm NA beer. All the flavor, non of the affects.
  19. Cdubyah

    Database shit

    ODJFS going on five years
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