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Everything posted by Cdubyah

  1. You know it bitch...how's your pelvis treating you?
  2. Oh...there be plenty oh campers for the slaughter. Bitches...
  3. There are some parts of the site that aren't family friendly. NWS and Drama Queens mainly. However I think ORDN as a whole is very friendly. Most of the events are family oriented. I wouldn't be afraid to bring my wife and kids (if I had either) to any event that OR was a part of.
  4. Real alkys don't spill it, we...er they drink it!!
  5. christmas lights are cheap this time of year...
  6. WTF?!?!? She sounds like a selfish bitch IMHO. "I've tried bitching..." that tells me right there that she really didn't try anything, other than pissing and moaning about herself and her needs. That was prolly his way of dealing with her stupidity, and controlling nature. I'd kick her ass to the curb.
  7. Does that mean no he didn't ask? Or no he didn't get them for the day?
  8. agreed, flo gets annoying. OP and Post #4 are sweet.
  9. Didn't search was just looking at all apps, by popularity.
  10. picked up the $159.99 Garmin Nuvi, marked down to $99. Looks pretty good so far. Not sure about the waypoints though....
  11. Looks like fun. Nice shootin casper.
  12. I have seen alot of vibrator based apps for the droid. The comments are the funniest part.
  13. Lets hope Brian Kelly stays with UC. The problem, UC can't match $$$ from ND.
  14. http://www.cybermonday.com/
  15. Just wondering if anyone has found any yet. Here are some. http://shopping.yahoo.com/articles/yshoppingarticles/298/cyber-monday-steals/
  16. Cdubyah

    ben face

    Ben's face is priceless
  17. Not that I have read anywhere... I'd be a little pissed too if I had to fix something as gummed up as IP posted. I've had to clean a smokers computer before, but nothing that bad.
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