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Everything posted by Cdubyah

  1. multiple threads, shutting this one down.
  2. Looks like you guys had a nice party size for the 30 minutes or so I was online last night.
  3. Merry ChristmaKwanzaaHanukkah!
  4. Not flexing muscle. I already made an edit in this thread, it was discussed and changed. Just don't want people to get the banhammer for a stupid comment on a funny video.
  5. When is it due to hit theaters? Hopefully willl be as good if not better than the 1st.
  6. You just now got that? That was the 1st thing I downloaded. Software updates are pretty frequent as well.
  7. While I find this video rather funny remember to tread lightly in this thread fellas. Racism is not tolerated.
  8. I think this has gone on long enough. If you have a problem with Jcroz, and feel the need to Flame, goto the Drama Queens Forum.
  9. The system might not break, but the network sucks. In al seriousness though, if they would combine XBOX live, and the PS3 shit would never break.
  10. I see Carrie installed a new dishwasher!!
  11. You can tell it's winter time.
  12. To supplement Fonzie Flame treads should go in the Drama Queens Forum, and should adhere by the rules. http://www.ohio-riders.com/index.php?pageid=rules So crack open an ice cold Bud Light "Oh fanner of the flames! Only you can blow this flame into an epic forrest fire!"
  13. Hence why they are reducing the range on them.
  14. I don't think they would take out the akimbo shotguns, since there is a challenge for it. Just cut down on the distance that makes it a kill shot.
  15. Cdubyah

    Ninja edit

    Moved these, I thought the drama was over.
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