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Everything posted by Cdubyah

  1. There are alot of different objective games.
  2. just piss poor management
  3. Talked with my friend who is stationed at hood yesterday afternoon. He didn't have much info, not that I think he would be able to give out anyway. He said he had to sit in his room all day with his kevlar vest, and helmet on. RIP, to survive war abroad, and to come back, and be met with bullets is terrible.
  4. They charge you a fee to bring your own paint. So I would assume that there is field paint, and that it is shitty. Carry on.
  5. You know you like it fluffy!

  6. maybe if you speed alot it could be worth it.
  7. Sure... but nothin but love for ya Yota.
  8. I think its a marketing ploy for JR motorsports to bring Danica onboard. The most popular female driver, driving for the most popular male driver. The marketing value is priceless. They might not ever win, but they are bringing in more fans, and more money.
  9. Ahh the memories of the great crash... almost brings a tear to my eye.
  10. Well you know how he rolls
  11. So does that mean you aren't goin?
  12. Didn't know you were an instructor??
  13. Cdubyah


    Why is he pumpin gas in my truck?? where the hell was I?
  14. Cdubyah

    2009 Halloween

    Did you where that to work?
  15. There are three different fields that you can play on. You can play in the junkyard where there are bunkers, foxholes and mazes or in the woods where there are bunkers and the wilderness, or in the Haunted Hoochie where you can hide in the buildings, run across bridges and hide in the towers. Taken from their website.
  16. But the lap dance is always better when the stripper is cryin...
  17. Anyone making the trip to happy valley this saturday?
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