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Everything posted by Cdubyah

  1. I think I can hear some Detroit people crying on TV....
  2. Cdubyah


    Yeah. I'll just eat the fender next time. lol. Yes I road most of the evening MJ. Plan on riding most of the day tomorrow.
  3. Word.....be there. Or I'll just eat some ice cream.
  4. So where shall the line begin to kiss my ass!!!! PENS bitches!!!
  5. Cdubyah


    Five days short of two months. Lots of parts backordered, and more things wrong than originally thought.
  6. Cdubyah


    Getting the bike back today. Haven't been able to sit still all afternoon. It's 98% completed. Just waiting on the new shift lever. The one that they got in was chrome, and didn't really match, so they had to send it back. So they said if I wanted to come and get it I could. So no more sideline sitting for me!
  7. I think this paragraph defines it all.... "Don't worry. You're so funny and smart and amazing, any girl but me would be lucky to date you. You'll find someone, I know it. And when you do, I'll be right by your side to suddenly become all flirty and affectionate with you in front of her, until she grows jealous and won't believe it when you say we're just friends. But when she dumps you, that's just what we'll be." I know someone like this.... But in all seriousness, if things don't work out, it's not the end of the world. I work with my ex, she has been my firend through pre-school. It just didn't work out. Oh, and Dr. MJ, you think you could squeeze me in for a therapy session around 4:30?
  8. The prolly love you too. Least the hookers anyway....
  9. So I got a random fortune cookie the other day. Being that I work in the IT field, it was rather fitting. Fortune Not Found: Abort, Retry, Ignore? Anyone else like to share? What is the best one that you have cracked open?
  10. Tis looking pretty shitish.
  11. congrats on the endorsement. First freeway rides are always fun. Mine was trying to follow CBRGirl on the charity ride last year.....
  12. wow, a six month revive.....is that allowed?
  13. I like the new ride.

  14. Yes true...but the beast doesn't like to idle through town.
  15. Cdubyah

    Now Hiring

    Thanks for the heads up. Might have to look into one of those.
  16. yeah sure....twist my arm with food and booze.
  17. Hmm, sounds like fun. But over heating could be an issue, as stated previously. However, this would give me the chance to get away from the crazy relatives invading my house......hmmmm
  18. Good price. These run $238 new from IP. I just bought the red and black.
  19. that wouldn't really suprise me.
  20. Memo to all Employees It has been brought to the managements attention that some individuals have been using foul language in the course of normal conversation between each other. Due to complaints from some of the more easily-offended workers, this conduct will no longer be tolerated. The management does, however, realize the importance of each person being able to properly express their feeling when communication with each other. Therefore, the management has compiled the following coded list. It is imperative that all employees understand and memorize these code phrases, so that the proper exchange of ideas and information can continue. Old Phrase New Phrase I’m not certain that’s feasible. No fucking way! Really? You’ve got to be shitting me. Perhaps you should check with… Tell someone who gives a fuck I wasn’t involved with that project. It’s not my fucking problem. Interesting behavior. What the fuck? I’m not sure I can implement this. Fuck it. It won’t work. I’ll try to schedule that. Why the fuck didn’t they tell me sooner? Perhaps I can work late. When the fuck do they expect me to do this? Are you sure it’s a problem? Who the fuck cares? He’s not familiar with the problem. He’s got his head up his ass. You don’t say? Eat shit. Excuse me? Eat shit and die. Excuse me, sir? Eat shit and die motherfucker! They weren’t happy with it? What the fuck do they want from me? SO you’d like my help with it? Kiss my ass. I’m a bit overloaded at the moment. Fuck it! I’m on salary. I don’t think you understand. Shove it up your ass. I love a challenge. This job sucks You want me to take care of this? Who the hell dies and made you boss? I see. Blow me. Do you see? Blow yourself. Yes, we should discuss this. Another fucking meeting? I don’t think it will be a problem. I really don’t give a shit. Keep Warm. Go to hell, dipshit. What? Fuck you! WHAT?!?!?! Fuck you and the horse you rode in on. Have a nice Day. Get the fuck outta my face. Sorry. Go to hell peckerhead. Thank you for your co-operation on this matter. The Management So it all ran together....and I don't feel the need to type it all over.
  21. Cdubyah


    haha, ok I see it now. I'm a little slow.
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