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Everything posted by Cdubyah

  1. damn I missed all of this good conversation riding in the back. One guy said nice V-Star, another commented on my Victory.
  2. pics or it never happened! I kid I kid. but seriously....
  3. There seemed to be alot of that going on Saturday.
  4. I must have read this thread wrong. Was looking for Sarah Palin going down.. Onward with your politcal debate.
  5. silly kids and their internet.
  6. I think at this point it is safe to say that I will not be riding.
  7. We have casual Wednesday's and Friday's. Last week of the month is casual as well. One of these days I'm gonna wear some longer shorts, and try to pass them off as capri's.
  8. Check out an army surplus store. I'm not sure where around akron, but they generally have them by the case.
  9. yeah lets hope it lets up. I think what he means is, that I haven't gone riding with him since I got my bike back. We actaully came to the first bike night. You weren't there.
  10. Allstate $700/year multi policy good driver full coverage on both policies. with a couple of claims
  11. if no rain I will meet you at speedway.
  12. Hey, haven't seen you around in a while. just e-poking you with a stick, to make sure you are still breathing. :)

  13. Thanks for the laugh this morning schmuck.
  14. Cdubyah


    you roll naked?
  15. Hmmmmm interesting debate. 360 for the games, plus it has netflix, and XBOX live marketplace. PS3- for the blu ray. I'm not a huge fan on PSN IF you aren't going to watch blu ray movies, why shell out more for a player you aren't going to use? This is my bias opinion for the 360. Granted it has rrod twice now. 2nd day after purchase, then 6 months later. This new one is working good though.
  16. Good luck with that. Those people would kill you if you cut in line.
  17. ^^ Happy Birthday Ben! Hope it's a good one!
  18. Why are you on OR??? aren't you supposed to be on vacation?
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