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Everything posted by Cdubyah

  1. I think it's 20 or 21. I can't remember. I think everyone to a degree misses some points. I missed most of mine in the stopping test. You get docked points for every foot longer it took you to stop than the average. I got docked for the same thing. Not cornering fast enough. Glad to hear you passed! Congrats!
  2. Did it come with a repair disc?
  3. Insurance company finally pulled the trigger. Check should be here by Friday or Saturday. So I can order the parts, then wait another two weeks for them to get delivered. AHH. So It looks like I'm gonna be out until June. I'll be on vacation at the end of the month, so it should be done when I get back! They are rasing a little ruckus on my gear though. On agent told me a credit card statement would work. The next told me I had to have an itemized receipt. Does anyone know if Iron Pony would be able to give me a receipt, on a previous purchase? Just in case I can't find mine.
  4. http://www.ohio-riders.net/showthread.php?t=25078 Some asshat cut me off in traffic. I layed it down. Going across a bridge coming back into town traffic was stopped to my left, driver didn't see me, and turned into my lane. No room to swerve, locked the rear tire up. It was three weeks ago.
  5. No. It's prolly gonna be down until I leave. Damn insurance company is dragging it's feet. They have had the estimate now for a week. Just called me on Thursday. It's gonna take two weeks to get the parts in. I'm hoping they call me early in the week, and tell me the check is on the way, and I can start ordering.
  6. I won't be able to make this ride Fonz. I leave the day before for vacation.
  7. Cdubyah

    No caption

    Good lord! That thing could float the Titanic!!!
  8. Just wondering who it is. I know most of the other months.
  9. 1st day - bookwork. They show alot of videos. Usually you read it, then view it in practical application. Pretty simple stuff. You'll prolly get a take home test as well. 2nd day - Ride all day. Start out learning controls, how to balance, clutch control. Hopefully you don't have two old guys in your class that can't figure out the clutch. After you do several manuevers you will stop and discuss with the group. It's pretty basic riding, really fun. 3rd Day Ride and Test. You are going to be doing more advanced manuvers. If they give you a chance, work on the box, swerving, and braking. You'll be tested on those. The instructors are great, usually experienced riders. They have a lot of good knowledge to share. That's about it in a nutshell. Don't be nervous, just pay attention, and you'll do fine!
  10. nice trike. The tool sitting on it is really droppin the value though.
  11. hrmmm....I was debating on visiting the Pony tonight. You just made the pot a little sweeter.
  12. I did half and half. So I wouldn't be paying forever. It will help with your credit rating as well.
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