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Posts posted by Cdubyah

  1. I really don't have a problem with it. Doesn't really bother me when I get snubbed either. I randomly will run across someone that won't wave. Usually I can tell the old guy with his beard blowing in the wind isn't going to wave back at me. No big deal, I throw it out there anyway.

    Usually riding in a group of sportbikes, they all get snubbed, but I get a wave. I often see a couple of fingers after that.

  2. West Lafayette is at Ohio 93 and Ohio 541. There is a BP on 541 just as you turn west off of 93. They don't have a bathroom. I pissed on the wall behind their building. Instant bathroom.

    Actually that's considered Kimbolton. I know the BP you speak of. It's closer to I77. There are some fun roads out that way.

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