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Posts posted by Cdubyah

  1. Jealous no I don't think I could lower my standards of being an ass that far. But I don't swap my driver just cuz he starts to run bad. I'm not a Jr. fan either. I prefer the old man in the 5 car. Have been for a while.

    He's a cocky prick. What needs to be said, he gloats, he exagerates, he's arrogant, and a cry baby. He degrades his crew. You really need to goto a race and listen to him bark at his spotter, and crew on a channel scanner.

    He's a good driver, I don't take that away from him. I just don't like how he goes about it.

  2. So my friend runs karaoke at the Heath BW3's. There was some discussion in another thread about having a get together. Mainly sparked after the DTC takeover of Buddy's in Brunswick. So if you missed it here is your chance to display your skills.

    The party runs from 9:00 pm to 2:00 am. Every Friday Night.

    Need to get a rough head count, and a solid date. He said he could prolly get us a reserved section.

    So let me know what Friday will work the best!

  3. a really creepy one dressed in yellow that sneaks into your bedroom while you are sleeping and watches you shower???

    God I hope not. I doubt she could sneak in without me hearing her. She has an ass the size of a 50 gallon drum on it's side.

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