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Posts posted by Cdubyah

  1. Bang for your buck is going to be the Acer Aspire. They run about $298, and are "about" the smallest you can get at 8.9". They come standard with the Intel Atom processor. It's not a killer, but for what you need should do the job. I'm pretty sure they come with windows XP on them too, being as the atom has a hard time processing the info with vista. Even though the atom can hyper thread. So it can multi task, but it's not going to blaze the trails.

    Battery life seems to work well also, the processor doesn't draw to much power, so its good for mobile use. However it does come with a Crystal Brite screen. So that could eat some battery. Only a 3 cell so it's not gonna last too long running at full capacity.

    120BG SATA drive. Should hold all of your pics and then some.

    1 GB DDR RAM, good for XP, would need a little more for vista (stupid vista:slap:)

    They say they are compatible for wireless b, and g.

    They don't have expansion slots, so you can't run a wi-fi card.

    I say as long as you don't drop it off the back of your bike it should be ok.

  2. With old age comes stubborness. Most HD riders that can't get along with sport bike riders are older. Our generation is different from the last. So you ride a HD, or a sport bike, or a metric cruiser....you ride don't you? That's good enough, lets go.

    Change and acceptance is harder for the older generation. Although some are starting to come around.

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