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Everything posted by Cdubyah

  1. Ironhorse riding with the Toecutters MC
  2. I figured there would be more here this morning.
  3. that was just on tonight
  4. nope. makes me think I should be going to bed.
  5. So what's it worth to you now? After only 3 pages?
  6. I really haven't added anything useful either. Haven't really got by two threads yet. There is so much useless information, I just can't seem to get to it!
  7. next to his computer tower! I kid, I kid!:wink:
  8. probably. chalked full of useless shit, that has nothing to do with anything. Thank you Ron!
  9. and yellow as in color.
  10. we don't give hand out around here Fonzie!
  11. by raping him like that Koolaid man?
  12. Arby's thing was great jagr!
  13. Cdubyah

    sat. nite

    actually north east. Just bustin your balls quoted for the truth...came home this evening to a bar brawl across the street. Had to be at least 40 people standing in the fucking road. He really has no idea where portsmouth is. However very much out of the way for all parties involved. that would be interesting to watch. Dude you are about 1hr 45 mins north of us. Akron area right? You could hop on 77 south, and take US 36 west. You would run into us. Or you could take 71 south to 83 south. Thats prolly a better ride anyway. 83 is pretty fun.
  14. nope you have to read it just like everyone else did!
  15. So your dad will get insurance $$ for the accident. He can buy another beater, and let you use that. Shitty thing to have happened. Materials can be replaced. People can't
  16. thank god tomorrow is going to be nice, and put an end to the week.
  17. eh all is well. At least today anyway.
  18. good grief that was a long read.
  19. Cdubyah

    team band

    From the album: OSU

  20. Cdubyah

    team run

    From the album: OSU

  21. Cdubyah

    script ohio

    From the album: OSU

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