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Everything posted by Cdubyah

  1. I will add some photos once I get them all uploaded. Stay tuned... Same bat time, same bat channel
  2. thank god I didn't go on that trip. The bruise across my should has gone away now. Beer cooler was a tad bit heavy.
  3. Sometimes there is no need for a gun. I scared off two thugs with 300 lbs of angry hillbilly fury!! I doubt I would shoot them in the back, I'm a pretty piss poor shot, prolly woould have hit em in the foot I see your point though casper, it wasn't self defense. However, people do strange things under diress. Maybe it was the fear of retaliation from the thugs. He didn't want them doing it again. Which I'm sure you stated; is vigilante justice.
  4. Don't forget the pimp, and the guy in the suede sport coat.
  5. Not that I know of. You could be on forever. However there are stipulations. Eligibility is determined by the amount of income available, savings, mutal funds, bonds, stocks, cash at hand, low paying job etc. Then you factor in the AG size, or household size. Which is determined by the USDA. Here's another link. http://www.fns.usda.gov/fsp/government/FY09_Income_Standards.htm Basically what that says, is if you are in a household, (note *not family*) of say 4, your combined income has to be under $1,767.00 a month. You must report all income up front, in order to receive assistance, which is determined by an eligibility specialist. They then determine what you are eligible to receive. The person must report, changes in the household, job start or stops, and any income that could change eligibility. They are required to come back every three to sixth months for re-determination. Oh if if you fail to report something that would change your eligibility, uncle sam will come after you, and get his money back. It might take a while, but it does happen.
  6. Yes you can, it's considered a mechanical violation. Same thing as having a tail light out.
  7. Nope, just listening to the drunks. I must have missed the anal probe story
  8. Get drunk, wear tinfoil hats, stand in a wheat, or corn field. Stare at the sky all night, holding baby radios, listening for communication. Pass out in field from drinking. Make up story about the "anal probe", and tell the other drunks in the morning.
  9. Cdubyah


    A guy that has wears a war banner.
  10. Here. The facts of government assistance in Ohio. The breakdown is by county. http://jfs.ohio.gov/county/cntypro/index.stm
  11. I love cast iron cooking. Always a good result
  12. well I was gonna ask you who the king and queen were.... Then I felt dumb when I realized it. me = Fail
  13. meh... I kid, I kid. Should be a good one.
  14. I know there of a few that don't plan to dyno. Just showing up to loiter, and meet some new folks. Or is a dyno run a requirement for a shirt?
  15. Confidentiality problems, would be the main reason for not being able to clean office buildings.
  16. required eh??? yeah gonna be a great cookout in the fucking rain!
  17. like twice...Plus I had almost double your kills. Don't sas me bitch!
  18. So maybe we are on break, or lunch?!?!?!
  19. shes got legs....she knows how to use them...
  20. It was CoD WaW we were playing through the campaign last night. It took Kawi about 5 levels to figure out what to shoot at. I hear the last boss is a bitch. What difficulty were you playing it on? I first tried it on medium, that was just stupid. was getting my ass handed to me by the thrird fight. I have chucked my controller across the room a few times. damn video games.
  21. Excellent point. There seem to be a plethora of lazy people, That know how to work the system. It can be done, I've seen it first hand. It's just a pain in the ass for the folks like us that work for a living, that barely scrape by, but can't get the things that they do. For the simple fact that we have a bit more motivation to do something. A job is a job when you are hungry. No matter the disdain you have for it. It's not below you. I have zero problem helping my fellow man when he is down. But the folks that make it a living on the system, reeealllly touch a nerve. plus, there's not a whole lot that we can do about, because they aren't breaking any rules.
  22. Ha, that would be pretty sweet. Unfortunately fraud investigators get paid to do that all day long.
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