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Posts posted by Cdubyah

  1. I have a friend who got cought in this trap. They were selling a puppy, guy was from colorado, she received the check from a bank in Atlanta. It was fake, looked pretty damn real though. Check was for $7,000. Puppy was $800. Told her to cash check, and keep $3000, and send back the rest. Luckily she didn't cash the damn thing.

    I just had to put up with her dilirium for the next week. She thought the arabs were gonna break down her door.

    It was pretty fun messing with the scammer. I asked a whole shit strom of stupid redunant questions. They stopped emailing.

  2. And...don't blame the OS; no offense to anyone, but 99.9% of all Windows problems are user error. Apple just locks down their hardware and software so tight that there is little room for user error :p

    True. However, given the chance, I would still piss in Bill Gates cheerios.

  3. I think metric cruiser people fall into 2 main categories......They either love that type of bike's look/aesthetics &/or riding style, but are prudent enough people to know they want something more reliable, affordable & well built than HD's overpriced junk......Or they're buying a metric as a "step up/training bike" 'cause they can't afford a Harley yet. If the latter's the case.....Please see above 18.gif

    yay I fall into the first category! It's more of the riding style I like. Plus it was waaaayy more affordable.

    Really the HD guys don't give me to much crap, usually becasue they can't figure out what I'm riding. :)

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