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Posts posted by Cdubyah

  1. I have a treo 755 and my buttons don't register all the time. I hate my phone but stuck with it until my contract runs out in August. I would get the flip phone but I need all my medical programs on it for work. I don't use mine for status (as lizard states people do) and honestly I don't know who would b/c the pda phones are a pain in the tush!:mad:

    I dunno, they come in handy during really long meeting. Bubble Breaker FTW!

  2. "You know they are handing out condoms to kids now? What the hell, condoms? Back when I was a kid I had to walk through 6 feet of snow, up hill both ways, WITH A BONER, to get a condom" courtesy of Jeff Dunham and Walter

    Back to topic, it's cold as shit here. Makes me wanna quit smoking for the day.

  3. Speeds was awesome. I'm disappointed that they closed.

    Fun, exccept when burning arms on pipes. LEts just say they carts were meant for a certain size of person. Everytime I moved my arm to much, it got a little hot.

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