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Posts posted by Cdubyah

  1. Not my style of riding thats for sure. The country side looked beautiful. Maybe if you edit the video and take out some of the more aggressive acts.

    Don't want to be guilty by association. This could hinder OR from charity rides, and fund rasiers that we actively participate in. Because of our agressive riding style.

    The deeds of a few, outwiegh the deeds of the many.

    This brings me back to a comment made on a video that was posted of the charity ride. "I wouldn't want to be in that group!" They are automatically assuming that since most of our group rides sport bikes that we are dangerous, or do stupid things, I wonder why that is?? Now granted we didn't have a problem all day with anyone, because we didn't ride aggressively.

  2. I think Beockman has a better throwing arm, and sits better in the pocket. Had OSU aerial offense come into play, there probably would be a different outcome. He threw a couple of bullets in the game that only osu receivers could get to. I also think the Beockman has a better field vision. E.g. not stepping out of bound before the 1st down marker, not stepping out of bounds when he could have run eight more yards. Pryor is an excellent player, and will certainly be kickass this coming year.

    Pryor threw a couple of darts to the field when he was under pressure.

    I do believe the Pryor was the correct QB, becasue of his running skills. Which OSU seemed to domintate last night. I just think his passing skills need to come along more.

  3. You think Truss keeps his job after 3 straight?

    They just gave him another million to stay on. His contract runs till 2013 with 3.5 million /year!!!

    It was a good game, I'm disappointed with the finish. There were some stupid penalties that hurt them in the first half. Maybe hit the first extra point instead of the two point conversion. I'm suprised Tres went for two in a row. That's not his style at all

    I was very weary about the two quarterback offense, since it didn't work all that well in California. But it showed that Todd Beockman deserved to be playing on the same field with Pryor.

    I do think the rest of the FBS can shut their pie holes now.

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