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Everything posted by Cdubyah

  1. I have zero problem telling someone they are riding like a fucktard. I will then pack up and go home. I would rather be walking, and alive than have someone else fuck up my day, becasue they felt the need to show off. Regardless of the size of the group. I will get there when I get there, safely, with or without the group. Usually at the tail end, cause I'm just cruisin. I was only in one ride last year with 10+ bikes. It was the Charity ride. That was also my first highway ride. So I was a newb. But I learned things on that one. Like what and what not to do in a large group.
  2. I think it's a stte requirment to take some sort of Home Ec. class. It's amazing what you can get done with caffeine and nicotine. Keep up the good work ghost rider.
  3. http://www.ohio-riders.net/showthread.php?t=20777
  4. http://www.ohio-riders.net/showthread.php?t=20775 almost identical posts at the same time.
  5. Yes the rims are powder coated red.

    Don't really have any more pictures, other than what is in my album.

  6. It's a freakin Lotus Super 7. Super light, super fast.
  7. Agreed... she did look a little strung out. Poor woman probably never saw it coming.
  8. My friend runs the show at BW3's in Newark on Friday nights.
  9. Cdubyah


    Welcome aboard We have a Militia?!?!?!
  10. Cdubyah


    Don't worry about it. Kudos to you for admitting your mistake. You don't hear a lot of people apologizing to often.
  11. Make an intro post bitch.

  12. I know one of them. Don't know the rest.

  13. Nope, I haven't done a damn thing to it. It's completly stock.

    Thats the special edition paint job.

  14. Nope thats the all stock paint job.

  15. There are always a few that ruin in for the rest of the good ones. I think they are refering to users that create an account, have no intro, and just throw things out to sell. Without really exploring any other part of the OR group. Glad you are here.
  16. Well I'm glad I read through the posts first to get an idea.
  17. So here at our local radio station 99.3, they play a wide variety of music. However at this current moment they are playing Aquarious!!! The song they a singing in the credits of 40 Year Old Virgin. I can't wait until 11:30 when the Gospel show comes on, or perhaps 2:30 when Trading Post comes on. It will be glorious. By all means feel free to share the ignorance of your local station
  18. Kosmo, that is a hell of an impression of the BeeGees.
  19. Cdubyah


    Wow, thanks moose and jagr for the morning laughter. The more I read the louder I laughed. Anyway back to subject... I have a Tourmaster textile jacket. It has a warm liner that snaps in, as well as a rain liner that snaps in. Also has the reflective fabric, so it's easy to see. Yeah it doesn't have the big name style, but it was cheaper, and has more versatilty.
  20. Wow, that a great start to the morning. THanks Justin. The puppy thing is just awful. Let's cook some of those stupid kids over a fire, and see how they like it.
  21. Hawaii That's about what it will cost for the two of you to go for a week.
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