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Everything posted by Cdubyah

  1. Nice pictures Kosmo rep points for you!
  2. And where would I upload those pics? Can't do it at work, I already surf this site enough. Don't have my transfer cable. Still got another week at the house without internet. So stop giving me shit!!!!
  3. Listening to the silly women at my office complain about the weather and the roads. I know it's not music, but it sure gets repeated every morning.
  4. Doesn't Playboy have the Naked News?
  5. Yeah for some reason he attracts the dumbass kids that wanna pick a fight.
  6. I'll vote for Fonz for popping the DTC Kareoke Cherry.
  7. oddly enough Roscoe Village. Right in our backyard.
  8. I smell another Justin Timberlake & Janet Jackson problem. Soon the Super Bowl will be Pay Per View
  9. Sure couldn't tell the economy was in the tank by the line a freaking cars.
  10. Eh, no worries, we can do it again sometime. Those were in the good parts of the road. At one point I couldn't see three feet in front of the vehicle.
  11. Cdubyah

    No caption

    That's my Whodey....still ghey....
  12. Bump for Whitey. Carrie's seat is very well done.
  13. Cdubyah

    Iron Pony

    That would be grand wouldn't it?
  14. My Buddy said he sent you a PM. Didn't know if it was still for sale or not.
  15. If only I could get it to work for women that want to sleep with me, I'd be made.
  16. I would have if I had hot water....Had to replace the hot water heater....hence the reason I was running late. Damn!
  17. Sailor Jerry, Captain Morgan's older brother, pumped up on roids. Thanks for reminding me, I couldn't remember what the hell you said it was.
  18. Cdubyah

    Matt Millen?!?

    I was disappointed that NBC took the diagram pen away from John Madden. I was really looking forward to a drawing that made no fucking sense, but it was pretty obvious what happend before he said anything. "He hit the hole and the BOOM." No shit John, I just saw him. About the only person I dislike more is Brent Mussberger.
  19. Was that the Steel Curtain or the Meat Curtain???
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