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Everything posted by Cdubyah

  1. Unfortunatly no, I need more than 4 hours. Just know of the places around here, and toward Zanesville.
  2. Work on Monday morning could present a problem. Maybe on a long weekend, where there is a holiday on Monday.....
  3. Kawi Kid and I were up there on Sunday not to long ago.
  4. :banana:Welcome back to the party:banana:
  5. So who's wants to look for jobs in Florida? Any takers?
  6. My friend had a Krispy Kreme Donut cake.
  7. Alpinestars Maze. Leather, Carbon Knuckles, and fingers, reinforced palm. Only thing I didn't really like was that the A star symbol wore off.
  8. hobble your ass outside and take some.
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fKkXn411QTo
  10. Technically I brought two women, and a post whore...
  11. Yep, was watchin the news during lunch. They aired the whole thing. Just bleeped out all of the f-bombs.
  12. Are you receiving messages on your cell phone from senders you don't know?:mad: For example, someone's email sending you spam? to your cell phone? This can cost you money wether you open it or not. :mad: Depending on what sort of text messaging plan you have. There is a way to block it. Here are the steps for verizon.... Go to www.vtext.com If you haven't created an online account, you will need to do so. Once you sign in click preferences. click text blocking You are given three yes or no selections at the top of the page.... Block all messages from email Select Yes Block all messages from the web Select Yes Allow Messages to my nickname Select Yes Scroll down and hit save. Now setup your nickname... Click Preferences again Click Nickname Click Edit Nickname Then type your Nickname in the field provided. Click Save Nickname Here is the article in the New York Times http://pogue.blogs.nytimes.com/2008/06/12/how-to-block-cellphone-spam/ I don't know the procedures for the other carriers. :confused:So you might want to check out the link. You could probably go to your local carrier store and have them do it for you.
  13. And again... (13 January 2008, Florida) A 37-year-old man was killed trying to cross the Manasota Key drawbridge on his motorcycle. Wearing only swim trunks and sneakers, the man was seen racing at high speed towards the gap as the bridge began to open. Bridge designers had anticipated such lunacy and invented the crossing guard. The closing gates swept him off his Suzuki and over the side of the bridge, into the water and out of the gene pool. By a twist of fate, the motorcycle continued up the ramp and made it across to the other side!
  14. 2008 Darwin Award... (3 February 2008, California) Two dirtbikes, two drivers, two passengers. Zero helmets, zero headlights, and a new moon. Four friends were tearing around on private land, where helmets and lights are not required. The Highway Patrol said the two couples were killed when their bikes collided between 1:30 and 3:30 AM in Modesto. Emergency room workers have a name for people who ride dirtbikes without a helmet. They're called 'Future Organ Donors' and that is the only career now possible for Thomas, 33, Michael, 33, Kelly, 30, and Cynthia, 29.
  15. I was hesitant to open this thread, for fear there would be all sorts of nastiness. Now I am glad I opened it.
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