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Everything posted by Cdubyah

  1. I have a friend who got cought in this trap. They were selling a puppy, guy was from colorado, she received the check from a bank in Atlanta. It was fake, looked pretty damn real though. Check was for $7,000. Puppy was $800. Told her to cash check, and keep $3000, and send back the rest. Luckily she didn't cash the damn thing. I just had to put up with her dilirium for the next week. She thought the arabs were gonna break down her door. It was pretty fun messing with the scammer. I asked a whole shit strom of stupid redunant questions. They stopped emailing.
  2. This is why stupid people shouldnt breed.
  3. Hmmmm, this is a definite maybe....sounds fun though.
  4. It's mother earth on her period, and she's pissed at that county!
  5. Damnit, If you're gonna ass fuck me at least give me the common courtesy of a reach around!
  6. No one ever hits the little guy first...
  7. You know that piece of paper, a bunch of old dudes signed a way long time ago???? Yeah...we are just gonna throw that out, and write a new one. What an ass monkey.
  8. Moto show deals might have to be done in the parking lot. Don't want the vendors at the IX center getting all pissy. I'll take on at the show as well please.
  9. True. However, given the chance, I would still piss in Bill Gates cheerios.
  10. HAHA. The backseat picture is the best. As if to advertise that the back seat isn't big enough to have two grown adults going at each other like monekys.
  11. More interesting that they are makin varients of the same motor to fit specific builds. sweet.
  12. I like what I do. Bills motivate me to get paid. I come home, because I really don't like where I work. Sleep because I can't go to work drunk. Repeat for next day.
  13. Some computer will only except the disc that came from the factory. EG You can't load a dell XP disc on an HP machine. Manufactuer should be able to provide a code.
  14. yay I fall into the first category! It's more of the riding style I like. Plus it was waaaayy more affordable. Really the HD guys don't give me to much crap, usually becasue they can't figure out what I'm riding.
  15. Maybe we should pick an exhibit to meet at a certain time? http://www.motorcycleshows.com/motorcycleshows/data/html/motorcycleshows/292006/359162/OHO.pdf Just in case you were wondering what the layout was gonna be...
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