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Everything posted by Cdubyah

  1. Defiantly need to get my suspension done. Will try to keep that day open.
  2. I'm specifically talking about mp3's. Everything loads to the cloud player now, which I don't use. I download it, and load it to my device. Now they force you to download it from the cloud player from an authorized device from one account. Here is the response from the inquiry I made to amazon... Looks like I will add another card under my account for her now. Thanks Brian, I hadn't thought of that.
  3. My problem is one device with multiple accounts. Basically only one account per device. I want to download to my laptop so I authorized the device under my account. Now she can't download to the laptop because the device is authorized under my account. You can deactivate the the device and add it to another user, but can't switch it back for 180 days.
  4. Anyone else use amazon to purchase digital media? Like kindle books, mp3's and digital movies? I guess they have implemented a new policy that only one device can be authorized by one account. So basically anything my girlfriend has purchased with her account can't be downloaded on our laptop, because my account is authorized on our laptop. Is this a new form of digital media douchebaggery? :confused:Are other places implementing the same thing? I'm just wondering.
  5. When purchasing my bike, I had to do the same thing as it was posted on ebay when I bought it. Put a down payment on my cc to hold it until I could look at it. I probably wouldnt have been so nice with the review as the OP was if the bike had been sold from under me. Had the OP been a supreme douche with his review I would be a little more cautious. More reviews both positive/negative are helpful. IMO
  6. Cdubyah

    Sag session

    Don't ride a sportbike but am interested.
  7. They were doing a pretty good job of throwing grass out on it.
  8. Just a heads up if you are riding around the hocking hills area this weekend. There is a shit storm of gravel on 56, and 374. The most I saw was on 374 north of 180. I about miffed it going into an easy right hander. SR 56 between Bloomfield and 374 had alot of gravel as well. Also the state was mowing 374 between 664 and 56. So I'm sure they kicked more stuff up after I road through there today. Just a little bit of grass made it into the roadway today. Also saw a State Trooper on 56 today. Never seen one down in the hills.
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