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Posts posted by conn-e-rot

  1. Personally I think if I was to ever buy another sport bike it would be another zx14 and I've been contemplating buying a used one and set it up just for drag strip and land speed racing. Maybe in the next year or two.

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  2. Here's a stock motor Zx10r kicking ass on the strip.

    Yep the zx10's are a force to be reckoned with if the rider can get the power to the ground and keep the front down but at the same time it is still easier to take a stock zx14 and go rule the local strip especially if it's a gen 2.

  3. If you want to actually drag race a lot and still hit the twisties go buy a zx14 if you get a first gen stretch it 6" to keep front down and a strap for the strip and it will still eat up the twisties. If you go with a new one it has traction control and all the other goodies and is a bit easier to keep the front down so you might not need a stretch to be able to get some hard launches. And inform the ball and chain the bikes will only do 186 just when you bypass the speed limiter don't tell her.

  4. Yeah, just noticed that. And from the way he's standing he looks like he might realize it? 2...that bike looks kind of fat. Kinda looks like a big Kawasaki?

    I believe it is a kawasaki concours 1400

  5. Anydvd to remove encryption and clone dvd to rip/copy both from www.slysoft.com I know the new clonedvd mobile does what your looking for and all mobile formats I think the standard clonedvd does mp4 also but not positive I can verify when I get home.

  6. I tend to think its the CHL popping up on their screen that gets some of us warnings. I passed a OSP last summer I don't know exact speed but I was cruising over 80 on the bike he pulled through median got right up my ass followed me for a few miles and I could see him typing then just pulled into a turn around. Whatever it was I got lucky that day

  7. Good news to everyone who was worried that all these posts of riders getting off with only a warning might jinx their next ride. I have taken the hit for you.

    I was riding through the back country roads of NE Ohio, no more than 5 over and often under the posted speed limits, but made the mistake of rolling up a big hill right into 35mph Waite Hill at 50mph after a few miles of 45mph roads.

    The LEO was waiting in a church parking lot aiming his radar at the crest. He let the 2 cars ahead of me that were going the same speed pass by, but pulled out after me.

    I had hoped for a warning. My driving record's been clean for 12 years, I'm over 30, riding with full protective gear in hi-viz safety colors and was as nice as I could be when speaking to him.

    Nope. 50mph ticket in a 35. $189 going to the Waite Hill coffers. *sigh*

    You won't get any warnings from Waite Hill... did he ask you why you were in his town? They used to have signs up at the line stating no through traffic you know because the residents are better than the rest of the world.

  8. The most successful people that quit smoking are the ones who quit cold turkey which seems to be prevalent in this thread. After a couple weeks your body is over its nicotine addiction and it becomes a problem of breaking the habit not the addiction.

    Good luck. Plenty of resources available to you to help.

    Actually I think the doc said after 3 days it was out of your system the rest is just the physical habit nothing chemical.

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